Chapter2-You Make Discoveries,Not Mistakes

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Ashley's P.O.V-

I shut my laptop and smiled lightly. Andy is perfect and I really do love him but I am busy with college and my job..However,I have got a week off next week and I can take a couple sick days so I'm planning on surprising Andy.

Jake walked into the living room and collapsed next to me "Hey Ash."

"H-hi..Jake,I think there's something you should know.." I said,becoming more nervous but not backing down "I'm going down to Cincinnati next week to see a friend.."

"Oh,what friend?" Jake asked,curiosity apparent in his voice.

"Well...He's called Andy and when I say friend...I mean..b-boyfriend." I closed my eyes in fear,Jake knew I was gay but he has been against dating people on the internet since his last relationship ended miserably.

"Andy? Have you ever met this person before?" He asked,getting up to get a beer from the fridge and held one up at me;I smiled and nodded at the gesture before realising I hadn't answered his question yet.

"No..but we've been talking for around two years now and have been in a relationship for one of those. We skype everyday and text near enough,all the time." I finished with a light blush tinting my cheeks.

"How do you know he feels the same? That he's not lying?" Jake sat next to me and passed me my beer.

"Because for an entire year,everyday he's taken time out of his life there to tell me he loves me. Why do all of that for someone you don't care about?" I trailed off at my question and popped the top of my can of Heineken,taking a small sip.

"It may seem like that Ashley but you never're my friend and I'll support you through this but we've both seen may know what he looks like and stuff but only god knows what he's hiding." Jake sighed.

"I'm in love with him Jake and no matter what I want to meet him." I rested my head on the back of the couch and let out a deep breath.

"I know Ash..."

I chugged the last of my beer and walked into my room to get changed for bed. Looking down at my phone I saw a text from Andy telling me he was going to sleep and I smiled.

"Night,love." I whispered,hoping he somehow heard me.

Pulling on some grey sweatpants,I buried myself under multiple duvets and blankets. My eyes slipped shut almost instantly and I let sleep have it's way with me...


I woke up the next day to the sun blinding me with it's rays,I must've forgot to close the blinds. Groaning,I pulled myself out of bed and let out a loud yawn.

The digital clock on my bedside table read 6:00 which meant I had a couple of hours free before I had to start getting ready for work...My job was the only thing I lied to Andy about. I'm extremely ashamed of it..He thinks I work at Hot Topic when in reality..I'm a porn-star..I couldn't afford my college funds and rent so every Saturday, Sunday and sometimes after lessons during the week,I go down to the studio my agency,Fantasies,shares and shoot 2-3 scenes a day..I should have stopped a long time ago and tried for a different job but the money's good and now I need train faire to Cincinnati..

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