Chapter Eight - The Warehouse

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The next morning, I got my first new piece of information about the Rhino since the fight three days prior

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The next morning, I got my first new piece of information about the Rhino since the fight three days prior.

I was getting ready for work, listening to the news when I heard the anchorwoman say "Reports say the villain known only as 'the Rhino' was seen heading east toward the beaches." I walked out of my bathroom to see the news clip, still brushing my teeth.

"Yeah, I was just walking my dog and he went right past me!" A man being interviewed exclaimed. "He went that way, toward the beach, I don't know why." The tv switched back to the news reporter.

"The police have not given us any information about this lead, only that they are looking into it. Coming up, a new study shows that an all oatmeal diet can prevent cancer, what you need to know, next."

I switched off the tv before finishing brushing my teeth and leaving my apartment. As I made the trek to the Bugle I thought about what I had heard about the Rhino.

It didn't make sense for him to be going to the beach, that's for sure. So what's around there that he could be going to?

I pulled out my phone once I was on the subway to check the vicinity of where the man had seen him. There's a restaurant in that area, according to Google maps. There's also some docks, an aquarium, things like that. But surely that's not what the Rhino was going for. Zooming out slightly, I saw something more promising. There was an industrial yard decently close to the sighting, but it the wrong direction. It was possible that the Rhino went that way to create a false lead. That would line up with how he made an obvious path straight through New York. But does it's also well known that the Rhino isn't the brightest of villains. Is he clever enough to come up with that plan by himself? Or does he work for someone worse? I decided to do the responsible thing.

Go search the industrial yard myself.


I texted Betty to ask her to let Jameson know I was working on the Rhino article and wouldn't be coming in this morning. I also told her where I was going in case something bad did happen.

I might be reckless but I'm not stupid.

As I neared the industrial yard, I pulled out my phone, starting to video what I was seeing. Weaving in and out of abandoned buildings, and coming up with nothing, I began to fear that this search was pointless. I stopped recording.

"This is stupid," I grumbled, kicking a few rocks. "God I am stupid."

I was about to cut my losses and leave when I saw a building I had not yet searched. My curiosity peaked. I'm already here, I thought to myself. May as well be thorough.

To my surprise, when I neared this warehouse, I began to hear raised voices yelling at each other. I looked around the perimeter; hoping for a way to look inside without catching the attention of the men. Finally, I saw a bunch of boxes placed in a way that could easily help me to the roof. As quickly as I could while still being somewhat safe, I climbed the large totes and lifted myself to the roof. Thankfully the building wasn't too tall, so my fear of heights wasn't triggered too much, even though I was still very uncomfortable. On the roof there was a skylight that was partly broken allowing me to not only see inside but also hear men yelling. When I peeked through the broken window I saw the Rhino fully decked out in his armor and two other men who were surrounded by stereotypical henchmen. I started recording.

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