Chapter Nine - Getting to Know You

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Peter left a few hours later to my disappointment

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Peter left a few hours later to my disappointment. I hoped that he wouldn't disappear again once he left. To my happiness, that night I got a text from him.

Night, Em.

I smiled widely to myself before responding.

Goodnight Pete

It was hard for me to fall asleep that night. My feelings were all consuming.

I was scared shitless that the Rhino would find out who I am. Who knows what he would do if he did. Would he kill me? Would he kill Betty and Amber? Would he kill Peter?

Peter Parker. He was the most confusing man I had ever met. I liked him a lot, although I wasn't sure in what way. He had dropped off the face of the earth because he didn't want to be friends. Well, no, that wasn't necessarily true. He wanted to "protect me." Which honestly sounded like bullshit, but I don't know. He sounded so sincere. I felt a connection with him. Just like the one I felt with Spider-Man.

I knew at this point I had a huge crush on Spider-Man. Way beyond the healthy admiration a normal person would have for the superhero. I felt like I knew him partly because I had talked to him four times now. But there was also something else. Something that made me feel comfortable and safe around him. I hoped that I would see him again. Perhaps when I didn't need rescuing and I wasn't drunk off my ass.

I tossed and turned, my mind whirling in a never ending cycle of mindless babble. I finally fell asleep around 2 am.


The next morning I woke up absolutely exhausted. Luckily it was my day off so I didn't have to be at the Bugle and I could nap all day if I wanted.

Pumpkin, however, had other ideas.

He meowed in my face, ran across the bed, through the apartment and back to my face. Multiple times. There was no way I was going back to sleep now.

I grumbled and sat up, making eye contact with my orange devil creature.

"Pumpkin!" I shouted. "Leave your momma be!" His ears flew back and his tail flicked angrily.

"MEOOOW!" Pumpkin screamed back at me.

"Kitty!! Enough!"




I groaned loudly and rubbed my face. Before long, I felt a scratchy tongue licking my hand. I looked up and saw Pumpkin gazing at me adoringly. I huffed and petted him.

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