Chapter Ten - Investigating

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"Oh hun, you look awful!"

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"Oh hun, you look awful!"

"Wow, thanks Betty, that sure makes me feel better."

"I'm sorry, but Jesus Christ what happened to you, Emily?"



It was the afternoon after the almost kiss with Spider-Man and I was in a foul mood. I was embarrassed, frustrated, confused, pretty much a healthy mixture of every emotion possible. I was on my lunch break with Betty, filling her in on my day off.

"What happened?" She asked. I took a bite of my apple before speaking.

"Well, I had Peter over almost all day, we watched the Princess Bride which he had never seen before-" she held up a hand to interrupt me.

"Wait, you had Peter at your apartment and you just watched a movie?!" She demanded. "What the hell Em?"

"Hey I'm not done!" I responded quickly. "Don't interrupt!" She rolled her eyes. "Thank you. Ok, so we finished the movie and just chatted for a while but then he fell asleep during the second movie and his head was on my shoulder the whole time. But I had barely gotten any sleep the night before so I was tired too and I fell asleep. Then he had to leave to have dinner at his aunt's so he woke me up and said bye and I fell back asleep-"

"You said you were rejected, I'm confused," Betty interjected once again.

"You wouldn't be confused if you just stopped and listened," I chastised. "When I woke up, I wanted a sandwich so I left and started walking to a shop when Spider-Man showed up. And we talked for a few minutes and I realized that I have feelings for both Peter and Spider-Man so I got flustered and decided the best way to resolve those feelings was to pretty much pin Spider-Man against the wall and try to kiss him." Betty gasped loudly.

"YOU HORNY MOTHERFUCKER!" She shouted in the blessedly empty lunch room. I face palmed. "So wait, he stopped you from kissing him??" I nodded.

"Then he started saying all this shit like 'it's not you, it's me' and 'I want to but I can't' and my personal favorite 'this is all messed up.'" Betty winced.

"Fuck that's harsh," she said. "But he said he wanted to kiss you?"

"Yeah, right before he swung away without finishing the conversation," I grumbled bitterly.


"No kidding." Betty threw her hands up.

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