I am Alive

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Hye!!! I am back with the chapter. Just to remind you guys, this is a dark fic but not too dark, I guess. This is the start of it so...

DISCLAIMER: I do not own Ed, Edd and Eddy and never will.

Chapter 23: I am Alive

Chapter Summary: He never realized how bad the situation was until he...

'Nothing I say comes out right,
I can't love without a fight,
No one ever knows my name,
When I pray for sun it rains,
I'm so sick of wasting time,
But nothing's moving in my mind,
Inspiration can't be found,
I get up and fall but,...'

~ I'm Alive - BECCA ~

I tried to calm down as I stared at the three. Now, the three of them were actually cracking their knuckles. Were they really serious about this? I didn't have the slightest idea of fun that they were talking about.

Whatever it was, I never had the intention of knowing.

"Well, I am afraid to say that I would not be long to witness the fun you are going to have," I said walking to the door where the three were, "I'll leave it to you then."

My hand reached for the doorknob but Chad grabbed my wrist and pushed me rudely, making me walk back a few steps behind.

"Oh, you can't leave without joining us," He said walking closer to me. He inserted his hand to his pocket as he slammed his other hand to the tiled sink. I also winced how painful it was. The sink was made of stone but it seemed that it was nothing hard to him, "Have some of these." He produced something from his pocket. My eyes widened when I recognized the plastic with green leaves in it.

"Oh my goodness!" I moved back as if the plant was a contagious disease, "C-Chad, are you--are you high?" My shock was totally visible to my face.

"Not yet," He grinned at me, "but not for long, right boys?" He looked both at his friends who were already producing of their own. They also placed the plant together on top of the sink before they started walking back to their location. Jason was near the door while Mark was at window making sure to guard the whole place. Both of them were grinning at each other.

"It's a great feeling, you know?" He said, pulling out a stick of cigarette from who knew where and lit it. He blew it off my face making me choke because of the smoke.

They laughed at my reaction.

"The dork can't stand the smoke!"

"You are clearly aware that smoking cigarettes can harm your lungs," I said waving my hand in front of me, "Smoking a stick is equivalent for 11 minutes of your life, don't you know that?"

Chad leaned closer to me and grinned wider, "Since when did you become a wise man?"

"He's a wise man," Jason disagreed, "Mr. Know-it-all!"

"Right!" Chad blew another one but he leaned upward, secretly relieving me for a while, "You seem to know everything, Mr. Smarty-pants."

Them and their nicknames.

"I am only just stating the fact," My heart was beating fast really hard now. Especially when I looked at the cannabis plant that was still resting on the sink. The plastic was still intact but who knew they would start taking them, "And this is not right if used illegally! The plant contains high levels of Tetrahydrocannabinol that
stimulates cells in the brain to release dopamine, creating euphoria. It can induce hallucinations, change thinking and cause delusions. If not--"

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