chapter 3

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The next morning I and Anna got up and got ready for band practice, well our band practice. We practiced for a good hour or so and then messed around and did a few covers of songs since we didn't have too many.

"You're not quite Satan but I really think I hate you" I sang the last part.

"Yay," our male vocals Christopher said he was the most mature, sort of "now we just need a gig no more local shit, Anna," he said we all loved to mess with each other it's what kept us from killing each other half the time. Anna just rolled her eyes.

"Trust me I'm working on it okay, I actually have a surprise in the works," she replied with a cocky smile.

"You wanna tell us?" Sam our bassist said.

Ryder was the only person who replied, "What part did you not understand about her saying it was a surprise."

"The part that had to do with knowing something." Adams, Sams twin brother, said. They were polar opposites.

Sam objected to the comment, "I'm not that stupid, dick." Adam gave him a look to kill and stood up from behind his drums.

"Sam! Adam! We know your brothers but shut the hell up. Adam,  you sit down Sam shut up before I put duct tape on your mouth." I said.

"You're not our mom," they said. Scarily at the same time, I hated when they did that freaked me out.

Anna, who always has my back, said,"No, but I am your manager and now that we are done with practice. ALL IN FAVOR OF ADAM AND SAM BUYING PIZZA SAY 'I'".

We all said "I" except Adam and Sam. They just sighed.

Sam revived quickly, "I'll go order pizza but Adams paying cause I'm broke." He set down his bass and walked off. Adam threw a drumstick at him but it missed. Sam turned around and mocked him by sticking out his tongue saying "Missed me." and smiled. Adam stood up and Sam ran. We all laughed at him. Those boys we're crazy, but I loved them.

"Wait no one told him what to order, what if he does what he did last time and get a ton to where it's like $80?" I asked. In a split second, Adam was up and out the door.

Christopher rolled his eyes,"Three, two, one." perfectly timed Adam opened the door.

"What do you guys want." he asked

"Hawaiian " I replied.

"Vegy" said Ryder. He eats meat just not too often

"Pepperoni" Anna said.

"Mushroom and bacon," Christopher said. We looked at him. "What?" he asked. He was always the weird one.

When the guys came back with the pizza we all grabbed a slice and started eating, resting on equipment and chairs. Sam and Ryder's parents let them turn their granny home behind their house into our practice room and entertainment center. Ryder was the first to speak.

"So what are we doing on the last day of school?" he asked.

"I'm gonna try to get my parent's to let me go to the beach Friday have a bonfire. You guys coming?" Christopher said. One of the problems with where we lived in Florida it wasn't right next to the beach so we had to ask our parents most the time and drive an hour and forty-five minutes. But we all agreed cause we had no other plans. After pizza, we simply watched TV and hung out eating Pringles and drinking coke. But sadly we all had to leave eventually and Anna had to give me a ride back home. So I had to change. The guys knew my secret life from my parents but still like to make jokes when I have to wear stupid dresses.

"Wow got enough flowers on you," said Adam.

"You could disappear in mom's garden," said Anna

I just brushed it off I knew they were jokes and off me and Anna went to take me home.


When I came home I had to play the role of the, perfectly clean and polished, never swear, never wear anything that shows I'm not a proper lady, church-going every Sunday girl from a perfect family.

My mom said hello to me and told me dinner was done and to come and eat. I was hoping for something light but nope it was deep dish bacon and cheese stuffed burgers. Fuck. Why does my dad cook this? I sit down at the table while my mom gets the plates she sets it down in front of me. My mom smiled and said, "Dig in sweety. Your dad knows how much you love these."

It wasn't a lie I did love them and could eat a whole one. When I was hungry.

"Are you okay dear?" my dad asked when he noticed I wasn't eating it.

"Ya, it's just that um, I had big lunch at Anna's and I'm not that hungry now," I replied

"Oh well at least eat some of it and you can be excused." said my mom. Crap. I just have to choke it down.

After dinner, I honestly felt like I was going to vomit everything or either explode. I just told my parents I was going to bed early.

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