Chapter 11

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Crys Point of View

Bryan got everything ready for the interview we did it in the back lounge of All Time Lows bus only because it was quieter then out side.

"Okay here we go. Hey what's up guys I'm hanging out with," he passed his mic to Alex.

"Alex Gaskarth of All Time Low." Bryan then turned to my side and passed it to me.

"Cry from Late Night Dream."

"Alright so how's Warped going for you guys?" Bryan asked.

"Great. Hot as fuck but great. There's a ton of fans now that kids parents get in for free."

"Cry how about your band?" Bryan said

"This is actually our first tour and my first interview ever. We've never really traveled before other than a few towns." I said

"This is really your first interview?" Bryan said shocked, I nodded."Yes! I'm sorry that's pretty awesome. Alright so now I need to ask what would your porn star name be? It's the uh initiation question."

"That's hard," I started "Well my full names Crystal so probably Lola crystal."

"Would you have a catch phrase?" Bryan asked. I was confused.

"Do porn stars have catch phrases?" I asked laughing.

"Not in the ones I watch. I mean I wouldn't know." Alex said trying to look caught but started laughing. Which made us laugh.

"What's the weirdest fan experience that has happened to you guys?"

"I got cornered in the back lounge once that was scary. I didn't know what to do and I thought I was going to die." Alex said I laughter just picturing that in my head.

"Alright then." Bryan said laughing to

"Well ours was to our drummer and guitarist they are identical twin and one guy who we think had a crush on Sam our guitarist ran up to Adam our drummer and tried to kiss him and it took our male vocals Christopher and basses Ryder to pry the guy off him. So that was weird for all of us cause we had already left the venue and where walking down the street." I said

"Why do you think he mistook him?"

Mistaked? How ever the fuck you you say it. Why did you think he was looking for Sam." Bryan asked

"Well Sam gives off this kinda vibe, that just doesn't make you think he's straight. So that's probably why. Plus Adam swears the guy yelled Sam but no one else heard so we just go with it." Alex and Bryan both chuckled. I looked over at Alex and he had this almost sparkle, as lame as that sounds, in his eyes. He really loved his job.

The interview carried on with laughs and one awkward "signature pose" of all of us. But sadly the fun had to end. Bryan had to go interview Motionless In White. It was getting darker outside yet more people had shown up to hang out at All Time Lows bus. As I was about to step out of the bus with Alex behind me I opened the door and saw, pierce the veil, of mice and men, mayday parade, all of the summer set, and sleeping with sirens, Ben and Danny where here to it had turned into a bit if a barbecue. I was so star struck and nervous I turned around and closed the door.

"What's wrong. Cry are you ok?" Alex asked turning me to face him.

"I can't go out there I-I need to go back to my bus. I can't-I don't I" I was freaking the fuck out.

"Okay okay. Why do you need to go to your bus? Why can't you go out there?" Alex asked in a very calm voice. Leading us to a couch and sitting down. I was breathing rapidly.

"I don't belong out there! I'm not like you guys I'm not anyone special I'm not-" before I knew it Alex planted a kiss on my lips I stopped talking and actually relaxed a little bit. He pulled away.

"Okay now that your breathing normally again explain" he said. He pulled me into his side and he kept one arm around me.

"I can't go out there I'm not like you guys. I'm just me. Do you get what I mean I'm Crystal from a small town, with a band." I said calmer. To my surprise he chuckled and shook his head. He pulled away so we where facing each other.

"Cry, you are so much more than that. You're the girl who snuck off from he parent to be in a band. You're the girl who one her first tour ever made friends with the people she loves. You're not just Crystal from a small town with a band. You're Cry from Late Night Dreams. The girl who made it,just like the rest of us. The girl who took a chance, just like the rest of us. Most of all your the girl I want to take a chance with." he said softly taking my hand. "So what do you say, take my hand we'll go out there together and I promise I won't leave you. Because I still owe you a date. And I hope this can count a little." He said flashing his famous smirk.

"Okay." I said knowing I was blushing but didn't care. I felt, humble yet so brave at the same time. Alex stood up still holding my hand and led us out the bus. We looked at each other and continued toward everyone.

I felt more comfortable here with Alex. He told me to invite my band and Kingdom of Thrones so I called them and told them to "Get there asses here before a foot gets shoved up them." It was a couple hours into the party and everyone was sitting in chairs in a circle kinda talking and laughing.

I had been so scared if not being like them but I was so wrong they're just like me clumsy, witty, and dorks with there friends. And they looked at each other as family. A crazy little family, and I hope one day my band can join it.

"Everyone," Danny said standing up, "I'd like to make a toast, mostly so I can have this drink with out looking like a cheap drunk" everyone laughed a little," But I'd like to toast to our new friends and new family who even though they just started here with us. They all earned a place with us. So a toast to Late Night Dreams, and Kingdom Of Throne. Hope to have you guys with us again. Cheers" he said and everyone else raise there cup and saying cheers to. I heard a sniffly I looked to my right it was Sam he was tearing up.

"Sam are you crying?" I asked

"No, I got splashed in the eye." he said wiping his eyes.

"Really, because no one near you raised a glass." Adam said on the other side of him.

"Shut up!" Sam said making us laugh.

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