Chapter 10

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I woke up to my phone getting a text. I grumbled and rolled over patting my bed looking for it. It was by my leg, I don't even how but it was. I looked at it going blind before see it was a text from Alex.

'Hey can't get coffee have a thing this morning but you can come hang out if you want? Tay and Cass are gonna come later to. Bring your manager so she can meet them.'

'Ya that sounds fun.' I texted him back.

'Okay hope to see you in a bit.'

I was a little disappointed I couldn't hang out with just Alex, but I mean I still get to see everyone and him so that's still awesome. I decided to get ready now so I could grab some food from catering. I put my hair in a messy ponytail since my hairs naturally straight, put on my skinny jeans and a blue baseball tee. I didn't bother with shoes they weren't important when it's all grass and not a ton of people around anyways. I left the bus and would come back for Anna when I went to get shoes.

I got to catering and was actually more nervous then I thought I would be it's just like the high school cafeteria on your first day as a new kid. The only thing you're thinking is 'WHERE THE FUCK DO I SIT.' And then you aimlessly walking somewhere till you see and empty table to sit. Okay well that's what I did only I was walking past my idols. I sit down realizing coming alone wasn't the best idea.

"Hey mind if I sit with you?" a Australian voice asked me. I look up to see Jenna McDougall.

"Uh um no go go right ahead." I said.

"Thanks the rest of my bands still asleep. Damn cunts." I choked a little on my water when she said that.

"Shit sorry I forget it's an offensive term here." she apologize.

"No no it's fine I just didn't expect it is all." I said not from her she was so sweet.

She laughed a bit,"Yeah no body does. I'm Jenna by the way."

"Oh trust me I know I love you're band. Your song Coming Home came out after my ex cheated on me so it made me feel like a bad ass as I danced in my room. Why did I just tell you that." I said laughing embarrassed. Jenna laughed to but sincerely.

"No you're good. You're funny. What's your name?"

"Cry short for Crystal, but I say it like the verb. Weird I know."

"No it's cool." she assured me, "So are you a roadie or are you in a band playing?"

"I'm in a band not super popular like Tonight Alive, but we do okay."

"Oh okay cool what's the band name?"

"Late Night Dream."

"Oh I've heard of you!"

"You have how?" I asked in total shock.

"My friends Tay and Jess and Jack, where talking about you. You and your manager are gonna come hang out with us girls later. And Jack said Alex won't stop talking about you." she said. Alex talked about me? I tried to play it cool. Me and Alex weren't anything official.

"Oh so your coming with us to?" I asked skipping over the Alex thing.

"Ya but we're gonna meet up after the shows and decide." she said.

"Oh okay." eventually me and Jenna started talking. For a while till both of us were full.

"Wait, wait", she said laughing, "so your band mate Sam got a broken hand from dropping a weight?" she asked

"No he got a broken hand and toe. After he dropped it it landed on his toe and he some how hit his hand on the wall hard enough to break it." I said, "We thankfully didn't have any shows to play."

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