Allegiant (alternate ending/continuation)

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(Tris's Funeral)
Slowly my senses return, I can not move, or speak, my limbs feel like they are made of lead. Slowly I hear quite sobs over me, I feel a warm hand squeeze my hand, and a voice, to faint and to distant to make out.

I will myself to focus on hearing and identifying this distant voice. I hear crying and eventually I register it as Tobias's. I want to sit up, to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him, letting him know that everything is alright, that everything is ok.

I concentrate, so hard that I start to develop a headache, and slowly my droopy eyelids flutter open. I am confused as I stare up at a white ceiling. I now hear Tobias's cries loud and clear, each one like a knife to the chest.

I see his tear stained face hover over mine, red and blotchy with sadness, and anger? How could he be sad or angry, we won, right? My mind is buzzing with questions, but for the time being I push them to the back of my mind.

While my body still feels as though it were made of concrete, I can slightly begin to feel my limbs. I hear Tobias say "Her eyes, they were closed, but... But now there open!" "Four", I hear another voice, Christina, say, obvious depression in her voice. I concentrate once more, this time focusing on my mouth, "Tob..." I manage to squeeze out. I see Tobias's eyes light up, and now he is not the only one standing over me. "Tobi..." I try again. This time I see other's get the same look of shock and hope on their faces. Tobias's eyes begin to water again, but with tears of joy rather than sorrow.

"Tobias" I squeal out, my voice is scratchy and dry, so much unlike my own that I can barely recognize it as my own. "Tris!" he replies through tears. "Oh, Tris" and then I am in his embrace, I am suddenly very aware of the pain of being hugged so tightly, as well as the joy of being so close to him once again. "I'm never going to let you go, ok?" he says. "Ok" I respond.

Hoped you all enjoyed it! This is my first fanfiction novel. Please review, and let me know if I should write more! :-)

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