Chapter 7

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(The next day)

Tobias holds my hair back with one hand, and rubbing my back with the other as my breakfast makes its reappearance. I hate morning sickness. When I am done, a bad taste is left in my mouth so I brush my teeth.

"Do you want to lie down?" Tobias asks looking slightly concerned. "No, I'm ok." I say giving him a small smile. "How about I run you a warm bath?" He asks. I sigh "Alright" I say to ease his concern.

After my bath I get ready for the day, putting on a simple black tank top, dark blue jeans and my leather jacket. Despite there now being no factions, and me being in the heart of the Bureau, I still enjoy wearing dark colors. Before I walk out of the bathroom, I stare at my reflection in the tall mirror pinned to the back of the door. I lift up my shirt just enough to see my still flat stomach. It's hard to believe that a baby, my baby is in there. I hear Tobias enter our room and I quickly pull my shirt back down. I walk out of bathroom and sit down on the small, old couch. "Do you want to get breakfast?" Tobias asks. "Sure" I say, despite just puking no less than an hour ago I am starving. I also have a deep craving for some chocolate cake. Pregnancy is weird.

Hand in hand we walk to the dining hall. We grab our food and sit over with Christina, Shauna, and Zeke. Uriah is said to be let out of the infirmary tomorrow, so Zeke is planning something special. "That sure is a lot of food, Tris." Says Christina. I look down at my plate, I grabbed a stack of pancakes, an apple, a slice of chocolate cake, and a small bowl of oatmeal. I laugh at Christina's comment and then respond, "I'm eating for two now." "Seems more like two hundred." Zeke jokes. I kick him hard under the table, and am satisfied as I watch him wince in pain. "So, I know what I'm going to do for Uri's 'your alive' party. I figured that I would round up a couple of beers and snacks while we all play candor or dauntless." His smile is almost mischievous. I have heard of candor or dauntless, also known as truth or dare, however being from abnegation I have never played it before in my life. For the rest of breakfast we mostly just make mindless small talk. Christina asks me to go shopping with her, and reluctantly I agree. She is convinced that I am going to need an entire maternity wardrobe.

Everyone finished eating and I am being half dragged by Christina to the shopping center. While I hate shopping, it's been hard for me to say no to Christina ever since the whole Will issue. She will never admit to it, but ever since that day I can slightly see her depression under that perky shell. I am dragged into store after store, buying whatever Christina picks out for me. I end up with at least eight full bags if clothing, Christina meanwhile, is holding at least twelve. We walk past a sign showing two people kissing and under it is written, love overpowers everything, for a split second, I can see the sadness break that happy cover. I know that she misses Will, she may not have known him very long, but I understand her feelings. I remember falling in love with Tobias only a few weeks after we met, I could never even imagine losing him.

I push Christina along, and we end up entering a tattoo parlor. Her protective joyful coat covers the sadness again and says, "Ooh, we should get a tattoo!" I am rather weary of the idea, right now I too exhausted. I don't even know what I would get. Christina decides to get a rose tattooed on her arm, while I wait, sitting in an old plastic chair. The tattoo parlor here is much different from the one back in Dauntless. I remember getting my first tattoo, I remember my excitement and doubt as Tori inscribed the ink on my skin. The thought of Tori pains me, so I push it out of my mind. I begin to think about my baby. I wonder if it will be a boy or a girl. I honestly really hope that it is a girl. Tobias doesn't really seem to care either way. He will make an incredible father, although I am a little scared that he will be TOO overprotective. As I am about to get lost in my thoughts, Christina sits up from the table, a bandage on her forearm. "Let's go" she says, "I'm starving, let's get some lunch." I smile and agree.


Thanks for reading! Please remember to vote and comment, leave me some ideas on what you want me to put in truth or dare. 😏

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