Chapter 34

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(Natalia's POV)

Each breath feels like I am lifting a hundred pound weight on and off of my chest.

Noah seems to be holding up the same as I, almost heaving for a breath of oxygen.

I stumble, edges of my vision growing black with each step. I search for a cabinet or a filing drawer of some extent, with no such luck.

I walk for what seems like years, even though I have only taken a few steps! My skin feels oily and my body, feels like weights are attached to each and every one of my frail limbs.

Then, I see it. A small metal drawer, hidden well among cases of various serums.

I want to sleep, to give up. But I can't, I can't leave this world just yet. Though I have seen so many horrible things, and have done many horrible things as well.

Would it be that bad to give up? To rest and end the misery that is my existence. I murdered my childhood friend, put my families lives in danger for the sake of shear curiosity, and have hidden too many secrets to count.

I can't though, not when I see Noah struggling next to me. He needs me just as much I need him, and giving up would be too selfish.

So I press on, towards the little box that may or may not hold the very key to my fathers kidnapping.

I take each step slowly, and followed by shallow heaving. I reach the small box, the label engraved on top reads "Eaton", and I know that I have found what I am looking for.

"We don't have a key." I moan through chapped lips.

Instead, with how weak we are, both Noah and I lift each side of the small box and begin hauling it out of the weapons lab.

"I know that it is hard," Noah croaks, "but please don't give up, with everything that has happened, I need you."

"I know," I whisper, "I know."


Fresh air fills my lungs, the sensation itself almost makes me feel light headed.

The box doesn't feel as heavy, my skin doesn't feel as oily, but my head still feels sore with emotions and painful memories.

"We are alive." Noah seems dumbfounded at the mere idea. He keeps repeating it, "we are alive, we are alive, we are alive!" He pulls off his hat and mask, and does the the same with mine.

He strokes my cheek softly and whispers again, "We are alive."

"Are you ok?" I ask.

"I am alive." He responds.

We just stand there, his long fingers brushing cheek gently, and I hugging his torso. Staring deep into each other's eyes until his face blurs together.

"Leo isn't alive, my father may not be alive." I moan.

"It's not your fau-"

"We should go." I hear Keri yell from the end of the hall way. I take one last of look into Noah's eyes before turning away.


(Keri's POV)

What is taking so long! Those incompetent bastards took my boyfriends life, now they have to make me wait around here too!

I won't even bother going to see my mother or dumb father. No, only my grandfather can help me solve this mess. As far as I know, Tris is still alive, and I don't like that.

Tris must die, and, for now Tessa has to live. I have to break her though, make her almost willing to let us perform any experiments needed on her.

She killed Leo, that must have taken a toll on her in some way. What does she have left to lose? Her family? Her friends? They would take a toll on her indeed, but the only way to truly break her is to take away the person whom she holds most dear, whom she loves without limits, I just have to take out... Noah.

So I finally updated! Thanks to all of my loyal rebels for holding in there while It took such a long time to update. Between band, and writers block, it's been difficult to find time to write, however I promise to start writing a lot more often! Please comment and vote. ❤️

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