Curiousity Rising

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*time skip to a couple weeks later*
-Marcel (Basicallyidowrk) POV-

My stress was almost completely gone about telling Scotty about my pregnancy, until I dropped something a couple days ago and tried picking it up. Not only did I get a sharp pain in my lower back, but my stomach touched my knees as I reached out to get it. I didn't realize until that moment, that I had been getting the pregnancy belly bump.

After I noticed the belly bump I internally panicked a little, but I didn't overreact, luckily. I put the item that I dropped back, and walked to the bathroom to change into a looser shirt that lessened the appearance of the obvious bump. I walked back and saw Scotty looking at me curiously.

"Hey honey! " he said still curious, but with a warm smile.

"Hi! " I said happily back.

"Um, why'd you just change your shirt? "

"Oh, I didn't think you'd notice. " I said walking closer to him so we didn't have to yell across the house.

"Of course I'd notice, you changed from a black muscle shirt, to a loose fitting grey T-shirt. Don't worry about the change though, you still look.... " he pause and examined me, his face went even more curious.

" look different, you appear a little bit chubbier in the mid section, BUT DONT TAKE THAT AS AN INSULT! YOU ARE STILL SEXY AND IM GLAD YOUR MINE!" Im glad he just took it as getting chubbier rather than being pregnant. I knew eventually there would be no hiding the fact, but when it got to that point I just hoped that he wouldn't be bitter.   

I walked over to the couch where Scotty was sitting.  I sat next to him where I usually sat. He, probably out of instinct, put my legs on his thighs, and blanket over my lap. I grabbed an extra pillow and put it on my stomach to hide the bump. He didn't question why I did that.

"I'm bored, is there anything in particular you want to do? " he asked suddenly as he looked up from his phone and at me.

I looked up into his eyes, they appeared to be glowing in the sunlight that shown through the window. I didn't say anything, I just stared at him.

I flung the blanket off me, got onto his lap, and started making out with him. He lightly pushed me back a little at first, but he quickly got into the kiss. I stopped kissing him and got off his lap.

"W-what was that? " Scotty asked looking at me.

"I don't know... I... Just.. " my words turned into a mumble as I started blushing and looking down. He put his phone down while he continued to look at me, then started to smirk.

"Don't worry, I enjoyed it. " he winked then crawled closer to me. I grabbed his hands and pulled him next to me. I kissed him again as we started to cuddle. I ran my finger through his hair, as my other hand drifted to the bottom of his shirt and pulled it up. He didn't say anything he just let me do my thing. My shirt came off almost immediately after his.

I looked over at Scotty and realized he had the same curious look as earlier.

"Is something wrong? " I looked down and asked him. He shook his head and I continued.

I poked at his ribs like I always do, causing him to giggle.

"HEhehe, y-you have always been really good at teasing me. " he said while still chuckling. I stopped poking his ribs and grabbed at the waistline of his pants. I stopped because I felt something dribble down my leg. I took my pants of to examine it.

"Woah, I knew you love me, but damn! " Scotty said as the liquid, which turned out to be precum, continued to drip, completely soaking my boxers. I took them off, then went back to pulling on Scotty's pant's waistline, It didn't take much time before they were off completely. I did the same to his boxers. I threw them where I threw mine.

I licked my lips as I stared down at his dick, it was just calling my name. I leaned down and licked the side of it teasingly then just went for it. I manage to fit over half of it in my mouth before gagging. I moved my tounge around causing him to gasp.

Scotty sat up and scooted forward. I bobbed my head causing him to moan loudly. I put my hand around his dick, as I continued to Bob my head. I moved my tounge like I did earlier. He whimpered from the intense pleasure I was giving him.

"W-whoa shit! W-where did you Lear these m-moves ahh. " he groaned out in pleasure. I tried responding, but obviously it didnt work, cause his dick was still in my mouth.

A few second later, scotty gripped my hair and held my head down as he came. I forgot how good the liquid tasted and held it in my mouth, as i pulled it off his dick. He layed back down looking at me, well moreso at my precum coated dick. He reached over and rubbed his hand along the cumslit. I wasnt expecting the sudden attention on my dick and spit out all the cum that was still in my mouth. I had the, "oh shit" face and looked down at him. I didnt mean to spit the cum over him, and i didnt want him to get mad.

To my suprize, when I looked down at him, he was smirking. I scooted closer to him so he didnt have to reach as far,and so there'd be more friction while he did his thing. I started whimpering and it took little, to no effort, before I felt like I was about to be a human volcano. But right before I came, I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Um, Marcel, are you OK? " I shook my head viciously and blinked a couple times. Scotty was sitting down, fully clothed and gazing at me confused. I quickly realized that, what just went down, was just a daydream of what I wanted to happen but didn't actually happen.

There was a reason why the daydream felt real. I looked down and not only was I hard, but also their was this warm liquid, that I assumed was precum, dripping down my leg.

"I, uh,  great yeah, bathroom. That's what uses I. " I mentally facepalmed as I got up and walked to the bathroom. I decided to give myself a talk.
"Marcel, what the fuck is wrong wi-"

-Scotty(407/fourzer0seven) POV-

Something is definitely wrong with Marcel. Here's an example; Immediately after I asked him if he wanted to do anything he just stared at me blankely for like 20 minutes.

He slowly started to get hard. I don't know why he was getting hard in the first place, is it my presence alone that makes him like that?

Not only was he getting hard, but also a liquid started to dribble down his leg. Oh, I could only imagine what that was.

After a little bit he started whimpering and arching his back slightly, and that's when I decided I should bring him back to earth. He looked as confused as I did, then went to the bathroom after saying some gibberish. When he got to the bathroom, I heard him utter a few words. I ignored him and went back to my phone. Even being on my phone, I had one thought left in my mind, what is wrong with my lover?

-To Be Continued-

Basicallyido407-I Didnt Think It Was PossibleWhere stories live. Discover now