Catching Up PT.1

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-Evan (VanossGaming) POV-

I was just sitting on my couch when my phone buzzed. I read the screen and nearly had a heart attack in disbelief. Marcel..... messaging... ME? Yeah someone's definitely pranking me.


-aye evan! What game
we playing tomorrow?

911, what is your-

-Evan what are
talking about?

-hello? Evan?

You're not actually-

-Evan are you high?

Prove it is you-

-not high, paranoid.

-Uh, the N word.

Marcel would've-
Said it.



I didn't fully read the message before I trusted it was him. I switched over to my contacts and called him.

-Marcel (BasicallyidoWRK) POV-

Me and Evan exchanged a few messages before my phone started ringing. It was evan of course. I answered almost immediately.

"Yellow!" I said.

"What did you just call me motherfucker!?" Evan said causing me to laugh hysterically.

The laughing carried on, but suddenly stopped as we both tried to grasp a starting point for our sudden impromptu conversation. I smiled as I finally thought of a starting point.

"Did you get the first text I sent?" I said with my smile turning to a grin.

"Why, yes I did."

"And your answer, owl man?"

"I say we shall invest our time in a classic, an all time favorite of all of ours. A game we have good laughs and good rage all at once." Evan pause and I raised an eyebrow even though he couldn't actually see me. I was about to cut in before he continued, "we shall play, the one, the only, G..........

olf with friends." My smile faded as he finished.

"Really, Golf With Friends?" I said with a heavy sigh.

"Why, exactly!"

"I'd honestly rather try my luck with windmill races in gta than play that stupid fucking golf game." I said sounding more intense than I intended. The phone call got silent after I said that, but after what felt like the most intense silent ever, I heard Evan chuckle maniacally.


I slammed my fist against my desk angrily hearing the guys laugh uncontrollably as I did so. Despite me not wanting to, evan convinced me to play a game with himself, Brock, Tyler, Craig, Nogla, and, very unfortunately, Brian.

"IT'S NOT FUNNY, THIS GAME IS SO FUCKING BULLSHIT!" The laughing only got louder as I complained.

"And.... and.... I wasn't even fucking with you." Brian said breathlessly with a snort.

"Yeah, you were too busy- oh mY GOSH!!!! FUCK OFF, BRIAN!!" Brock started but cut himself off as Brian hit him again for the thousandth time this game, causing me to chuckle despite being pissed at this no-skill-bullshit-ass-game.

We kept playing despite all the anger that intensified. Eventually finishing the game.

"Hey, I wasn't last!" Brock said happily out of shock.

"Fuck off." I said half heartedly

"Oh wow, look who's trolling-ass got first." I heard Tyler say as Brian responded with another snort.

"I'm such a dick, and I absolutely love it." Brian said while still laughing.

"Yeah, you suck a lotta dick too Brian!" Brock said with a irritated tone in his voice.

"Oh, you remember! How was I , Brock?" He said and I could practically hear him smirk. It went silent for a split second before Brock spoke up again.

"I, wel- that was the video goodbye guys!" He stuttered out hastily and I laughed as he left the call and the game.

We all remained silent in the chat, the only real sound was the game and Brian's chuckles.

"So......" I heard craig say reminding me he was still here and breaking the silence that was becoming awkward. I turned off my camera and heard the other guys do the same.

"So what?" Brian said as we all just kept silent. It remained silent for a while before I suddenly found the humor in the situation and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I heard one of them say as I just continued laughing.

"I just, he-" I cut myself off with a wheeze, "oh my god I missed so much while I was gone, holy shit." I finished with literal tears flowing down my face.

"Yes, yes you did." Evan said with his normal calm demeanor.

"Well then," I said, "let's summarize some shit."

"Story time!!" Brian says cheerfully before we all got to that awkward silence we were at earlier.

"Oh. Great." Tyler said sounding kind of annoyed. I just sat and listened.

"I've already told this story to them, thus the reason pigman is so annoyed." Brian said sounding more serious than usual.

"Really? I assumed it was just Tyler being Tyler." I said getting a chuckle from everyone.

"Shut up." Tyler said chuckling with the others.

"Anyway...." Brian said getting to the good stuff, "I'm not gonna say every explicit detail, I mean, unless you, unless you want me too. Ok. So a couple months after you and a certain fourzer0seven disappeared I flew out to brock's place to make a q+a or whatever. "

"Or whatever" I fake coughed, "porno" I fake coughed again.

It clicked to everyone what I said, and they all started laughing uncontrollably. The laughing eventually concluded and Brian finally continued.

"Ok, if I was interested in any of that stuff I would've said yes to that cougar club bullshit a couple of years ago."

"You'd have more money in your bank account, too."  I heard brock's voice realizing he rejoined the call.

"Oh, you're back." Tyler said similarly to the way he did in that gmod video we did a while back.

"Yes, what did I just get myself into by doing so?" Brock asked.

"Oh, not much, I'm just telling them the story of the first time I sucked your dick." Brian said nonchalantly and I could feel Brock's glaring towards brian despite them not being close at all, or even able to see each other. I started smirking as a sarcastic comment rested on the tip of my tongue, but Brian spoke up again stifling it.

"So anyway, um, where was I?"

-To Be Continued-

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