Chapter VII

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Anna's POV

We continue to walk hand in hand, entering the awaiting limo. Emily sits across from us, handing us earpieces so we can communicate. She hands Ethan a walkie talkie, knowing that I'll most likely the one going into small places. She explains that our spy outfits have been placed in the closet under the basement stairs, where we can change quickly if needed. We set up the ear pieces and make our way inside my old house, or what I would call a mansion. I smile at a few people, introducing myself as Maddie. Ethan puts his arm around my waist, and I smile up at him. I think we'll pul off the whole engaged part really well.

"Welcome," someone says, shouting over the loud noise of everyone mingling. The room quiets immediately and I look up the grand staircase, noticing that a man and woman standing at the top. I realize that it's Steven and Amanda Lang, huge philanthropies. So far Steve has been the only one to speak. "Again, we want to welcome you to this grand charity event, proceeds which go to help fixing hospital's around the city. We want to remember the late Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins at this time, their very house is being used for this event. Our hearts go with sweet Annabelle, wherever she may be now. Their family helped start this charity, helping millions of people. Let's bow our heads in silence," Steve says, lowering his head.

I try not to tear up as I lower my head. I don't want to give the disguise away. I feel Ethan squeeze my waist, pulling me closer.

"You okay?" he whispers into my ear. I merely nod, then look up as the hosts start speaking again.

"Tonight's auction is huge, the very last item especially," Amanda says, grinning widely. I grip Ethan's hand, letting him know we should try to mingle and make our way to the basement. I know this house like the back of my hand. We start walking listening to Emily talk into our earpieces. She was mentioning how she installed cameras throughout the house, including the basement. I also remember that my basement holds a big safe. I knew that the necklace was more than likely there. Making it there would be the real task, and hopefully body was in the basement when we went down there.

We walk towards the refreshment table and I grab a glass of pink lemonade, sipping on it slowly. Ethan does the same as I look around the perimeter. I note that there's a bathroom close to the basement door, meaning there's a good chance we can sneak in if I ask where the bathroom is. I don't want to blow my cover so I better ask around. I then take a puff pastry dessert, wanting to look normal and not out of the ordinary. Ethan take what looks like a small chocolate dessert. I always remember Ethan having quite the sweet tooth, like me, when we were at camp. We would often times sneak off with the leftover chocolate from s'mores and snack on them. It was a fond memory of camp, one that I would remember forever. Ethan was breaking my shell again, reminding me of how I used to be before my parents died. Even though I still wanted to work hard to graduate from the school and become a spy, I still wanted to be happy too. Ethan made me happy, even if we did just end up being friends. I nonchalantly feel my lips, remembering the heated kiss we had shared on the plane. I couldn't get him out of my mind since then, but  I need to focus.

"Shall we?" Ethan asks, breaking me out of my inner thoughts.

"We shall," I reply, grabbing his hand and we make small talk with numerous people at the event. I cringe knowing that my parents used to host these types of parties all the time and the snobbishness of the people overwhelms me. Many of the people just want to make it seem like their kind, trying to donate as much as possible. Once in awhile there will be a good seed in the bunch though, such as my parents. Usually my parents would match some of the donations. We ask someone where the bathroom is and make our way towards it. I stop in the hallway, noting that nobody is around. I quickly try and turn the doorknob to the basement, but it's locked. The fact it's locked means that they are definitely hiding something in the basement.

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