Chapter 24

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"And that's one! Two! Three cheers for Sakura!"

Ino shouted it out as glasses clinked and alcohol splashed. Hinata hugged the girl tightly. "We're so glad you're back, really," she said in her sweet voice as Sakura hugged her back. "I missed you all too," she said with as much excitement as she could muster.

Truth be told, she didn't really want to be at this welcoming back party held for the group and Naruto. All she really wanted to do was go sleep in a warm, nice, comfortable bed... preferably with soft pillows and a nice, fluffy bed--

"Drink, drink, drink, drink!" she heard chanting as she realized they were all looking at her. Hurriedly, she tipped the glass down her throat, choking on the substance as the crowd around her cheered.

Immediately, her glass was refilled again. She smiled, albeit a bit weakly, yes, but smiled all the same. "Thanks," she mumbled as Ino winked at her. "Come on, this is our first time seeing you for months. Live it up! Get wasted! You're gonna have fun, Sakura."

She nodded as she downed the glass before the crowd could chant again. Maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea if she got wasted... maybe it could distract her from the wrenching pain... of just being there.

Was she a toy or a partner? She couldn't tell at all. Sometimes he made her feel like she was the most important person in the world, and sometimes... sometimes she felt like he was using her. For his own benefits. To heal his own pained heart.

All he did was talk about 'fixing' her. If he really did love her, would she need to be fixed at all? Shouldn't he love her for who she was now? If anything, he was in love with the Sakura before- and from what Tsunade described, the Sakura Haruno that came to the manor was beautiful, brave, loyal, and everything she wasn't now.

What could she do? Get drunk like everyone else here who claimed her friend to numb the pain? Yes... that was what she would do. Maybe it wouldn't heal everything, but...

...not remembering this pain would be a lifesaver.




"Sasuke, you're gonna get drunk."

Naruto watched helplessly as his best friend swallowed another glass of alcohol. "Nah, I'm fine," he mumbled as he poured himself another glass. "What kinda friend are you, not even pouring alcohol for me," he said slurred, as Naruto scrambled to pour him a glass.

Sasuke slammed the glass back down onto the table. The night was quiet. "What's the point, anyway? Sakura wants to break up with me."

"I'm pretty sure you can't 'break up' with someone if you're married to them. Up now," Naruto said, trying to hoist him onto his bed, but it didn't work. Sasuke slapped his hand away. "Yeah, yeah. Same difference. The thing is, dobe... what should I do?"

Naruto watched Sasuke fall apart for the second time in nearly two years. "Shouldn't you get to sleep now? Your hangover's gonna be nasty tomorrow- and Sakura's gonna be wasted too," he said. Sasuke waved a hand. "Nah, it's fine. I'm strong... I'm always strong..." He slumped over, slamming the glass back onto the table again.


"Let go of me, dobe," Sasuke mumbled as he sat right again. "Sakura... she wants to divorce me... I was afraid this was gonna happen. Kakashi said something like that. What did I screw up this time, Naruto?" The blonde scratched his head. "I... I dunno, man. Were you too possessive? Everyone knows you're insane over that woman."

"She said that I don't trust her," he slurred. "She said... I don't trust her, and that's why I'm not letting go of Itachi..." He sat up straight suddenly, as if remembering something. "She said that she spoke to Itachi's conscience in her head, right? What if he's controlling her or something?" he said excitedly, almost as if he was sober again.

Naruto patted his back. "You're not thinking straight. Itachi's dead, remember? Come on now. Up you go."

Naruto helped Sasuke get on his back in the bed, the raven head snoring as he did so.

Then, snickering, he slowwwwly.... started... strip his clothes.

"Hey, Ino?"

The Yamanaka nearly slapped him as she turned around. "What is it, Naruto? Just cause you came back early doesn't mean that you can talk to me like that," she said, annoyed. Naruto put his hands up. "Okay, okay, geez. Sasuke told me something today."

He explained to her what he had told him, including the part where he and Sakura fought. "I see," Ino said thoughtfully. "And you came to me to ask what to do, eh? Good choice! I always need to educate Sai on what to do all the ti-- ahem," she said, blushing.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he waved a hand. "I don't need to hear about you and Sai. What should we do? You're like Sakura's best friend. And I'm Sasuke's." Ino thought.

A small, devil-like smile snuck across her face.

"You see, Naruto, when a couple fights, there's usually something to make it up quickly..."

Naruto sighed as he finally stripped off Sasuke's pants, leaving only his boxers behind. Not looking, he tossed the blanket on top of him- but only just. I hope you know what you're doing, Yamanaka, he thought, before turning around and leaving.




Mission one- complete.

Ino had gotten Sakura to drink until she was drunk, then drink more until she was out of her mind. Sakura was now trying to get on top of the table to sing, but she kept falling. Ino silently gave God a thank-you for that- the girl's singing was atrocious.

Now, mission two- a bit harder. Ino would have to take Sakura, drunken Sakura, to her room and then strip her of all her clothes- and that would be a bit of a problem.

Especially since Sakura wasn't sleepy drinker. She was an insane one.

Ino thought hard as she watched Sakura being tugged down by Hinata to sit back in her chair. The only way to get her knocked out, she supposed, was to physically knock her out. But if she did that, well, the 'fun' would never begin...

She sighed as she glanced at the clock. 1:00...

Naruto, you better hurry the hell up to tell me the Uchiha's in bed bare.


And speak of the devil.

Ino turned around to see her new partner in crime run up to her. "Knocked out and all stripped," he saluted as Ino snorted. "Stop that. You look stupid." She glanced at Sakura, who didn't look sleepy at all. "Naruto, she's not sleepy. How do we fix this?"

"Easy," Naruto snorted, as he walked over to the table Sakura was in. He slammed a bottle down as Sakura's glass filled up. "We get her even more drunk!" he shouted as Sakura cheered.

Ino face-palmed.

That girl's gonna get one hell of a headache when she wakes up...

An hour later, Sakura was finally slumped over and exhausted. "That was fun..." Ino mumbled as she hoisted the girl onto herself. "You don't need help, Ino?" asked Kiba as she shook her head. "Nah. I'll just carry her to her bed, then go straight to sleep. I was tired anyway," she smiled as the others bid her good-bye.

As she turned around, an evil grin illuminated her face.

You guys better make up with this, and if you don't... well, at least you've done it with each other ONE time.





So yeah... there's gonna be some smut involved. I think it might be next chapter or the chapter after that, but it'll definitely be there. Everybody, please look forward to it ^^

Note: There will be a 18+ warning on it. Everyone who reads it, please take caution. If you have innocence left inside of you, DO NOT READ IT and skip straight to chapter 25. Much thanks!


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