Metting Frimzy ❤️😍🥀

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So I'm having a nice dream, then i fall off my bed, cause the alarm clock was going off.. i just sighed...

I get up, its 7:30am. I gotta get ready for today.. We Are Moving To California.

So scarlet gets her face washed/ brushes her teeth, takes a shower, get dressed... packs everything up. Heads downstairs...

Its takes us 7 hours to get California..
Scarlet falls asleep on the way home..

*at new house, 7:30pm*
We finally get home, we unpack, my parents tell me to introduce myself to the neighbors, i just sighed, i changed first. Into sweats, & crop top, sneakers, huge sweater..

I walk over to the neighborhoods house, i start to walk up to the door, (mid you its 7:30pm at night.. so its dark af. & i havnet had much sleep..) so as i was walking up to the door, i ran into something... or someone i should say.. cause i heard "ouch... what the??". I fall down, my glasses fall off, i hurt my ankle.. i just start to say... "oh I'm so sorry.. i didnt..-!" Just then the front light came on, it was a older woman.. she said her name was Rosa. She came out. & yell at her son to help me up, then she let us inside...

Frimzy_Hi, sorry about that. I was just outside getting some air... he bends down, look into my eyes, said hello I'm Frimzy btw. He smiled.

Scarlett_ oh hello.. i say blushing.. i cant really see anything cause my glasses off my face.. so i just smiled.. said. Hello Frimzy.
Im Scarlett💙😬

Frimzy _ I'm sorry, i think your glasses are broken... so I'll buy some new ones.. here take my hand, lets go inside... i bend over, i put my hands out for her to grab... she grabs them, i pull her up so fast, she just slams into my chest... she's hugging me.. i pick her up, i carry her into the house...

Scarlett_ I'm on the floor, looking for my glasses. Then i hear Frimzy say, i think your glasses are broken.. I'll buy you a new pair.. he bends over, has he's hand out, I just stare for a minute.. he has tattoo's.. everywhere 😍👅❤️.. i guess he noticed i wasn't paying attention... he laughs alittle.. i finally grab he's hands, he pulls me up so fast, i slam into he's chest.. I'm hugging him💙. Then he just picks me up & carries me inside...

"Inside" 🙊
Frimzy carries Scarlett to the coach, while Rosa gets some ice, & finishes dinnner.. then a little girl comes over & start to ask questions? Flower_ who is she brother? Is she your new girlfriend? Is she staying with us now? Just asking random questions...

Scarlett just sits on the coach listening to everything... kinda giggles.. Frimzy tries to explain to Scarlett this is he's little sister, Flower. She is 8 years old. She can be a little annoying with strangers, asking questions.
Scarlett just giggles, says "no its fine Frimzy." She smiles.. Then rosa called flower to the kitchen to help with dinner..

Rosa came out of the kitchen, handed Scarlett ice for her ankle, then finished up making dinner. She asked if Scarlett wanted to join.. Scarlett says "no, i gotta get home, i just wanted to say hello. Im your new neighbor. She smiles😬.
Scarlett tries to get up, but as soon as she stood up, she let out a groan, & fell back on the coach.. Frimzy looked worried..

"At Scarlett's House"
Deer? Where is Scarlett? She should be home now.. asked mom.. ?
Honey, i think she is at the neighbors house still.. said dad.
Just then, the door rang.
Its Rosa, she told the parents what happened, that she hurt her ankle, its pretty bad, but she is fine. Rosa introduced herself, walked in, then Scarlett's parents asked if she wanted to join them for dinner. Rosa said yes. Sure.

"Back @ Frimzy's house"❤️

Frimzy_ Come on Scarlett, you gotta chill.. you hurt your ankle pretty bad, its all my fault.. i feel so bad.. I'm sorry..

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