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Brittany, come on!! Lets watch football, hurry up.. its almost on... Adym yelling at Brittany..

Brittany _ Yo chill dude, i punch Adym in the arm.. of course I'm wearing my packers jersey... black pants, hair up in bun..

Adym _ Damn Brittany!! For a football.. its not a fashion show.😂 I start laughing.. mocking her pose. Hands on her hips..

Soo Adym & Brittany have been getting together these past weeks...

Hanging out..

Adym. Im gunna take a shower. Brb Brittany. Hey dont eat all the popcorn..
I smirk at her😏

Brittany _ Bruh, i have my eyes on the chicken wings.😋 Adym just hurry up.. its half time... i roll my eyes..

Adym gets in the shower, but when he is done.. he forgot to get a towel, so he had to call Brittany... "Brittany!!! Yoo!".

Brittany hears Adym.. what the hell he- opens the door to see this...

 what the hell he- opens the door to see this

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Brittany's mouth opens wide.. 😱😍
Brittany starts to blush...

Adym _ Hey Brittany.... heyy.. Brittany. Yo! Up Here.... my face is up here.. I smirk 😏
Can you get my a towel plzs?

Brittany _ yes, sure... i turn around... my cheeks are bright red. I havent seen Adym like that in a log time😋❤️.
I get in half way to the door.. i put my hand out with the towel... say "hurry up & take it Adym ". Im standing behind the door..

Then Brittany's arm get grabbed... pulling into the bathroom, right into Adym's chest... making her hug him💙

Adym _ Brittany dont be a pussy.. just give me a hug💙

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