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So Scarlett? How you want to go to the prom with me? Frimzy asks.. with a smile
Holding a 🐻.

Scarlett _ of course Frimzy ❤️. I jump into he's arm.. hug him tightly.
I start to blush... ❤️☺️🙈

So At Lunch

Adym's Pov
Guys this is Brittany. My best friend from my hometown.. i point to her. Smile 😁

Brittany _ hello. Im Brittany. I smile.

Frimzy _ I'm Frimzy. Nice to meeet you. I smile. 😄😁

Scarlett _ Im eating a 🍔🍟🍼. So when Brittany was talking & everyone was looking at me to introduce myself.. I had to finish my 🍔🍟🍼. So i toke a bite, & said "I'm Scarlett. Nice to meet you."
Just then Frimzy said, "Scarlett you got something on your face.. stay still".

Frimzy _ Scarlett has ketchup on her lips..
I gotta take care of that👀💀😏❤️.
I said dont move.

Adym & Brittany are just looking on..
Watching jump on Scarlett & just makeout..

Brittany _ Get a room you 2.
U hungry Adym? Lets get some food.. i smiled.. pull him along to the line..

Adym_ yea you guys get a room.

Scarlett & Frimzy.
That was fun💙 Scarlett said.

I have more in store for you Scarlett.❤️

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