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So Scarlett is in p.e. & has to be on a team with Adym. (Basketball). Frimzy on the other team. (Little known fact, Scarlett is pretty good at basketball.. has 3 older brothers, so they taught her..).

The coach says go! Scarlett runs, passes the ball to Adym.. he gets it in the hoop. Then the other team makes a point.
Then it was tied.. it was up to Adym & Me. Vs Frimzy & David.

Scarlett _ I got this Adym. I look & 😉 at him. Then Frimzy steps up... he has the ball, he throws it at me.. i start to move around, & the time is ticking... so i went a way... then i stepped back & i shot the ball, it went in. I was so happy. 💙😬
I ran to Adym, gave him a huge hug. I said good job we won. I smile😀.

Adym _ Yes, we did win. That was a good shot, Scarlett. 👍🏻. I said. Smiled, asked.. you feeling ok? Scarlett!!!!! I catch Scarlett, she must be tired from working out.. we walk to the water fountain.. I give her my water bottle.. i say.. just sit & try to relax Scarlett..
I seee she is a little pale.. i feel her head.. she is slowly burning up.. I have to do something. I say scarly (nickname). Dont Move, I'm gunna get some help..  i run inside tell frimzy & the coach... they come outside.... but?? Where is Scarlett?

Scarlett_ I heard Adym talking, blah blah.. i just sit there. He says he is gunna get some help, i think i gotta get out of here.. After he leaves, i get up, go towards the east side of the courtyard outside.. the tennis court.
I just sit down, i just start to cry. All of sudden, I'm crying my eyes out. No Warning.

Then i heard someone yelling my name.
Its Adym.. i try to stop crying, but i cant.
Its too late.. he saw down next to me. I just fall apart, cry on he's shirt. Everything went black.

Adym_ Why is Scarlett crying? She should be happy? It's nothing i did right? Or said?
I just grabb her, pull her into a hug.


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