Chapter 2.3: Reside

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"Hey brat!" Clifford called on John. He was with the whole football team – all armed with bats, knives, hammers, and others.

"John, please get out of here." I pleaded, but he didn't seem to hear me.

"I have no business with you." John told Clifford.

"Well, I do. Payback for last time, remember." Clifford replied, cracking his knuckles.

"Clifford, stop this!!" I screamed, I stood between John and the football team. To my surprise, Clifford's gaze swept pass me.

"And maybe, just maybe, you want to see your precious Cindy?" Clifford added, smirking.

John's eyes suddenly turned deadly.

"Where is she?" He said, with a higher intensity than last time and I see Clifford flinched for a second time.

Wait. Why is he asking a Clifford that question. I'm here. It doesn't make sense.

"Oh, she's inside the gym loverboy, sleeping." Clifford replied. What? I'm sleeping? How come I'm here? Come to think of it, i can't remember any event prior to this.

"You! . . . What did you do to her?" John growled.

"Just a little drug for her to sleep. Now surrender yourself or we're going to play with her all night long." Clifford said.

I shivered.

What's happening? Is this a dream?

If so, why am i feeling that this is real? Now that this happened again, I wonder if the vision I saw the last time was real. After this, I'll ask Riza, that's a mental note.

"You'll pay for doing something like that." John declared.

The football team chimed in laughter.

"Oooh! What are you going to do little boy?" Roland said, waving his gun in the air.

John smiled, devilish. It sent shivers down my spines, and I bet it gave the football team the same feeling.

When I blinked, 3 people were down. Then as if a kill switch was installed with each of them, every member of the football team collapsed within 5 seconds – only Clifford and Roland was left, dumbfounded.

John materialized in front of them.

"What the . . . Roland!: Clifford backed off screaming.

Roland pointed the gun at John.

"Watch out!" I said.

John didn't move.


I closed my eyes, thinking that i wouldn't want to see John getting shot. But I opened my eyes immediately. The police would need my testimony when they get here.

Roland shivered. He dropped the gun and ran. Clifford just stood, seeming like a statue.

John stood there, holding the bullet in between his index and middle finger.

"Do you still dare to defy me?" John said, his voice full of void and intimidation.

Clifford slowly shook his head , jaw dropped, eyes wide open.

"Now get lost!" John commanded.

The quarterback run staggering.

"Coward." John whispered.

I followed him as he walked towards the gym. We entered, welcomed by two other members of the football team. They looked shocked to see John.

They scrambled to their feet, leaving the gym. We walked to the bleachers where they were previously located.

I saw myself lying down, hands tied up, mouth gagged.

That was when everything became a void of darkness.

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