Chapter 17: The battle of Bilgewater

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Many great sacrifices were the ones which were not showed off

            Rain drops ran through our heroes' body. There was a great storm. The wind blew hard. The ladies' hair were being blown up by the strong wind. Mighty thunders sounded and superb lightnings flashed but no fear was detected. Boots and shoes splashed through stagnant water and lightning lit silver weapons with dazzling light. This is the day the group would storm the forces of darkness in Bilgewater. The Battle of Bilgewater is yet to start.


            “I sense a great force approaching milady.” Fred informed the lady.

            “Don't worry my faithful servant. They're no match when it comes to my 7 core warriors.”

            Bilgewater is the mountain part of Lynstown. Since Lynstown is a huge area, it adopted Bilgewater as its span of control. The dark force  were encamped on the flat plains of the mountain.

            “Stay with each other kids. Were talking about ten thousand fully armored monsters here so we need to support each other.” #23 commanded. The others agreed. # 23 signaled his companions to enter.

            “I'm going in!!” John pumped himself and jumped 10 feet high engaging the monsters. Kathreen followed what John did and summoned her gigantic blood sword. The others entered through the land( unlike the first two who made an “Air strike”. The monsters' ranks were terrified and confused with the commotion created by the group. The fight lasted too long. It went on 7 hours of ferocious fighting. However, the numbers was too overwhelming for the troop. The rain continued to drop so hard. The wind blew stronger and the coldness crept through everyone's body. Too many dead bodies were laid on the ground. Kathreen's grip on her sword was to tight that her hands and the sword's handle become one.

            “Kathreen, finish this battle for me” John muttered.

            “What are you suddenly bubbling about?” Kathreen asked.

            John disappeared through the mob of monsters.  “John!!!' Kathreen screamed. She tried to follow the man but she wasn't successful.

            Suddenly, the heavy rain stopped. The skies were cleared and the moon was revealed. Then it started to glow red. The clouds turned red and so was the bodies of water. The moon's red light shore through the place.

            “It can't be!! This is ….... Moon dance!!” Kathreen Screamed.

            At the center of the “monster mob”, a red light appeared. It seemed like the monster's attention were drawned to the light, then hundreds of monsters were thrown thru the air-layer by layer. John was at the center He seemed to be not moving but still, monsters around him flew- as if thrown with great force.

            “What's happening?” Cindy asked.

            “Moondance.” Kathreen smiled as she uttered the word.

            “Moondance?” Tom wondered. It was their first time to encounter the term. John was still on zero motion. Cindy was really puzzled with what was happening that she lifted her eyebrow like those typical sarcastic ladies on the movies.

            #23 barged in to explain the technique since Kathreen wasn't paying attention to them because she was focused on watching John.

            “Observe carefully. Use these lenses to see what's happening out there! He handed over some weird-looking lenses to the group. Soon, they were able to see John from afar. The Half-vampire was really motion less.

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