You Again

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*The real characters own themselves, the fictional ones are mine obviously- enjoy :)*

"Do you have your dorm keys, your schedule, your passport, your boarding ticket?"

"Yes, auntie."

"Do you have your cell phone? Charger? Back up charger? Wallet? ID?"

"Yes, auntie."

"Do you have all the emergency numbers? My number, your uncles? Gemma's? 911?"

"Auntie how could I forget the number for 911?" Harry said exasperatedly.

"I don't know! You're going to America for college Harold things are much different there than they are here." Harry's aunt said tearily.

"Auntie," Harry said cupping his dear aunts cheeks. "I've got everything, don't worry. I love you. I have to go, my flights leaving soon."

"Oh yes! Don't miss your flight! Go Harry, I love you, have a safe trip."

"The one time you call me Harry and I'm leaving for America." Harry shook his head. He gave his aunt one final squeeze then walked to the security line.

At the airport things were pretty smooth sailing, after he checked in his luggage and got through security he bought himself a nice cup of tea and waited for the plane to arrive.

Saying this boy was excited wouldn't cover it. He was absolutely ecstatic. He was overjoyed to be going America, to California. He was thrilled about the warm weather. Not just because it was warm but more because... well, there would be California Boys.

Yes, Harry was gay. And he's very comfortable with himself too. So comfortable he used to wear flower crowns around school. People teased him for it at first, but when they saw that he didn't care what they had to say on the matter they stopped teasing.

Not many people were rude about Harry being gay because everybody loved him. He was such a nice, sweet guy that no one really could tease him.

Harry was nervous about America, no one knew him there. Would people be mean? Would they be nice? Would they accept him? Would he be treated like an outsider?

These thoughts troubled Harry as he got on his Red Eye Flight, but after a few hours he soon fell asleep to the sound of the Beatles playing in his ears.

Harry was woken up by the flight attendant asking him to fasten his seatbelt for the landing.

"Of course, of course." He mumbled. He did so and rubbed his eyes, over tired now from his long sleep. Harry was so happy he had gotten a window seat, and for good reason too.

He opened his window shade and looked out into the night sky, his first glimpse of Los Angeles, of America. And if was breathtaking. All the lights were the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen in the world. They looked like a thousand Christmas trees all lit up at once. The red and white lights of the cars driving(though they looked a little off because now the red and white lights were going opposite the way they did in London, it was still beautiful), the bright yellow of the street lights, the blue and red lights on tops of sky scrapers and mountains that warned planes there was a tall object near by, it was all so beautiful.

Harry got off the plane and got in the impossibly long line for the customs desk. After an hour he finally got through the line and he headed to the baggage carousel to get his three giant suitcases.

Just as Harry was about to grab his last one, someone pushed him aside and grabbed it pretty much right out of his hand.

"Erm.. Excuse me? That's mine." Harry said to the person.

"No it's not. It's my suitcase." The boy said with a thick Doncaster accent. Harry was a bit surprised, the first person he met in America was also British.

He looked up at Harry and moved aside his fringe, almost stunning Harry to silence. He was hot. Like blow your mind, makes me wanna blow you out of your mind hot. But Harry couldn't focus on how damn perfect his piercing blue eyes were because he was walking away with Harry's suitcase. Harry hurried to follow him.

"Yes it is. Look at the tag, see? It says Harry Styles on it."

The stranger frowned and shook his head, "long flight." He mumbled barely loud enough for Harry to hear.

"So it does say that. Sorry uhh.. Harry Styles, I guess, here." The boy huffed handed Harry back his suitcase then walked quickly back over to the carousel.

Harry stood there confused for a minute. Did that really just happen? He looked over at the boy again, taking in his appearance.

He had tattoos. Lots of them. And piercings, he had a lip ring and an eyebrow piercing. He was short, much shorter than Harry. He had beautiful feathery brown hair that framed his face perfectly and a fringe that almost covered one of his gorgeous blue eyes.

Holy hell. Did he really just stand up to this guy? This incredibly intimidating yet incredibly hot guy? Harry took one last glance at the boy then walked to the luggage carts, loading his suitcases on to it

As Harry made his way through the airport he marveled at how different things were. The voices were the weirdest to him, everyone had different accents. It was strange not hearing British accents everywhere.

Harry walked outside and unloaded his luggage from the cart. He waited in taxi cab loading area and FINALLY managed to wave one down. Airport people were vicious when it came to taxis, he was pushed out of the way at least twice.

He got inside the cab and sat down while he waited for the cab driver to load his things in the trunk. His eyes widened when the back door opened and a boy got in. He had only a small suitcase and an over filled backpack with him.

"You must be very determined to steal my things." Harry said amusedly.

"Oh, you again." The boy rolled his eyes and adjusted his hair.

"Yeah.. Me again." Harry laughed.

The inevitable awkward silence ensued as the cab driver got in the front seat and asked "Where to boys?"

"UCLA please." They both said.

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