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"You're going to UCLA?!" Both boys said.

"Yeah, what's that supposed to mean?" They said.

"Okay stop!" The other boy said rolling his eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"It's just you look so.... And the school is so.... It's just that you..." Harry stumbled on his words.

"Appearances aren't everything." The other boy frowned.

"I know, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that. It was assumptive and rude of me," Harry blushed.

"Wow, Styles way to make friends." He thought.

"Since we're going to the same place I guess we can share a cab then." Harry said carefully, unsure how he would react.

"Yeah, I don't see why not." He responded stiffly.

"Well it's nice to meet you, I'm Harry, Harry Styles." Harry introduced himself and held out his hand to try to break the tension.

"Pleasure, I'm Louis Tomlinson." Louis shook his hand then quickly let go.

"So erm, are you just starting college or..?" Harry asked quietly.

"No, this is my third year." Louis grinned, seeming to forget about what happened. "I was just coming back from England after the summer."

"Oh I see.."

There was silence for a bit. Harry looked outside the window and watched the cars, the people, just everything in general. He wanted to soak as much in as he could, it was his first time in America and he couldn't get enough. Everything was so different. It was much warmer, much less green than England. The buildings were taller, the houses were different. The people even walked differently.

"So what do you want to major in eventually?" Louis asked. "And please, for the love of god don't say psychology. Everyone who's wanted to major in psychology ended up needing psychological help after they went to their first frat party." He laughed to himself, pleased with his little joke.

Harry tried to not stare at Louis while he was talking and successfully failed. Louis was so animated, so there, Harry was fascinated by every little word he said. Louis was very into what he was saying, making every word sound more important than the last. He used his hands a lot too, emphasizing things. He held himself well, Harry noticed. His personality was very bright and happy even though his appearance said differently. Harry was mesmerized by the boy. The way Louis' blue eyes sparkled when he was talking, and how he'd adjust his hair every now and then.

"You going to answer the question or are you just gonna stare at me?" Louis asked, his mouth turning up at the corners ever so slightly.

"Erm, music history, actually." Harry blushed further red. He looked down at his hands and played with his fingers.

"Ohh so you're one of those huh? That studying and hard working kind of guy?." Louis said.

"But isn't that basically a description of college? Hard work and studying?" Harry laughed, looking back up at Louis.

"If you're one of those people." Louis smirked.

Harry frowned "But.. how do you pass if you don't study?"

"You fuck the dean."

Harry's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

Louis shrugged. "It's true."

"Umm.. I'd rather study."

"Your choice, she's hot though."

Oh. So he's straight. Damn. Harry thought.

Harry knew it was probably the last thing he should be worrying about, whether this totally hot stranger was straight or not. He obviously doesn't care if he has to have sex with a school official just to get through college. Not someone you should want to date.

"But, if you want to know how I pass," Harry looked up. "I'm on the football-er, soccer team. Full sports scholarship. I'm pretty good and the team at the school is shit, they can't afford to lose me." Though Louis' words said cocky, his smile told Harry this was a big passion for Louis and that he didn't mess around with it.

"Oh, okay." Harry exhaled in relief.

"Scared you for a minute there, didn't I?" Louis smiled.

"A little."

"Don't worry. I'm not into that kind of thing. My friends on the other hand..." He trailed off. "So are you going to try for a frat or just stick to the dorms?"

"Dorms, I'm not really frat boy material." Harry crinkled his noise. He didn't think they would like him very much once they realized that he was gay. Not that frat boys were Harry's type, he preferred someone more punk, a little rebellion never hurt anyone...

"I dunno, you'd look good in khakis." Louis mused.

Harry blushed crimson. What?! You'd look good in khakis.

Harry didn't know what to say, what could he say?

"Don't think too much on it, kid." Louis winked, efficiently saving him from having to come up with a response. "Oh, we're here."

Harry looked out the window and saw the school in person for the first time. It was incredible. It almost looked like the castles in England. The school up close was even more beautiful and breathtaking than it was in the pictures online.

"Woah." Harry breathed.

"You get used to it." Louis patted Harry on the shoulder. "I remember when I first saw this place, I was stunned too, but it becomes no big deal after about a month."

Harry didn't understand how you could ever get used to being able to study what you love in a place this incredible.

The taxi pulled to a stop in the parking lot and Louis handed Harry a ten dollar bill to pay his half of the cab fare then got out of the car, taking his two bags with him.

"Wait!" Harry called after him, stopping him before he could walk away. He just wanted to hear his voice one more time, Harry didn't know when the next time he would see the boy would be.  Louis turned around and looked back at Harry.

"You didn't tell me what your major was." Harry said.

"Theater." Louis smiled. He waved at Harry then walked away.

Harry didn't see Louis again for two weeks.

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