What If....?

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You shake your head bringing you back to reality. It had been weeks since the convention and Jensen stayed true to his word….for the first few days anyway.

Life had been nonstop since you got back, filming had been hectic with the end of season fast approaching.

It wasn’t until Gen visited on the last week of filming that you even realised something was wrong. You’d felt ill for a few days, but it wasn’t until the final morning on set that you knew something was very wrong.

You walked out of your trailer, despite the fact you were married you and Jensen kept you trailers, the morning air making you shiver. You walk to the benches where your family was already gathered.

“Hey there she is, I was getting worried” J says with a smile standing to greet you with a kiss. His smile fades when he pulls away

“You feeling alight Y/n?” he asks feeling your head

You shake your head and regret it instantly, you world starts to spin and you feel your body sway. Jensen’s arms clamp around you, holding you firmly to his chest. You hear Jared jump from his seat for you to be lowered into.

“Should I get the doctor?” you hear Gen ask with a slight quake in her voice

“I’m fine” you mumble trying to move to stand.  

Your vision becomes tunnelled and all you hear is Jensen calling your name as the darkness takes you.

The sunlight streaming into your eyes from the trailer window wakes you. You turn your head to see the clock. You’d been out for two hours, sighing you push yourself into a sitting position when you hear a voice enter the room.

“Y/n! Oh thank God! Please don’t do that to us again!” Gen rushed to your side pulling you into a tight embrace

“What happened?” you asked with a frown, your mind a total haze

“You fainted, Jensen caught you. I ran to get the med crew. Doctor said it’s probably a virus, there’s a lot around at the moment”

“Oh great. Last day of filming and I get sick” Gen pats your arm sympathetically

“He said you should eat, keep your strength up. J made you this before he got dragged off to film. I promised to watch you like a hawk” your sister in law explained as she retrieve a plate from the fridge

You smile when she turn to reveal a sandwich. She placed it down in front of you and you felt you stomach churn. The smell making you heave violently, shoving to plate to the side you rush to the bathroom and empty your stomach into the toilet.

Gen appears at your door holding a glass of water, she watches you closely.

“Y/n…have you been sick before now? Like over the last few days?” she asks cautiously

You answer you have, not piecing the puzzle together due to your head spinning.

“Like in the mornings?” you nod, still oblivious to what Gen was getting at.

You raise the glass to your lips, when suddenly it all clicks. Your eyes fly wide; you look over at Gen who’s a ball of energy, trying her best to stay calm.

“No! I can’t be!” you panic

“Sounds like it to me sweet cheeks” she giggles

“We’re not ready Gen, we haven’t even talked about…I can’t do this” you cry out, tears falling from your eyes.

Gen is at your side in a split second, her arms wrapping around you protectively.

“It’s alright, listen to me. We don’t say a word to anyone. When we get home, we’ll make an appointment and go and see. If it’s nothing then no one is any the wiser, if it is…then we’ll cross that road when we get to it, yeah?” you listen to Gen fully, nodding along with her plan.

You wash your face and calm down, Gen helps you clean up the mess from the now deconstructed sandwich. You mind spins with worries.

What if it’s true?

What if it’s not?

Were you ready?

Could you be a mother?

Is this what you wanted?

Is this what Jensen wanted?

And the one that terrified you the most...

What if you are pregnant and J isn’t ready?

To be continued….

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