A silly poem

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At just 5 weeks you were told
That you'd only be around 15 years old
And now you've come so far, so proud, which is great
But you're still told you'll only live to 38
And it's insane and unfair to say
That you didn't deserve every day
Because you are a specimen of human worth
Because when you walk you still touch the earth
And hear the howling cries it makes
You hold it together in your arms
But even the strongest goddess breaks
And if this were your last year
I'd hope that you'd be glad, while I well up and spill over the brim with tears
And my constant worrying and inane fears
Are finally brought true and you are alone
But I would read every day to a head of stone the stories I wrote that voices never share and what we'd have missed if you'd never been there
And I look at your face of determination and will
And can't believe anyone would call you ill
That you think you're weak when all I see is pure strength of mind
And no matter how hard I look and how far I search I cannot find where I even began to deserve you
At age 12 I wanted to die and my heart sank when I saw my family and how upset they'd been
And at age 15 you're the only one I let in
Our minds and lips collide under stars
I know I'm a dork, but I'm yours and we're ours
From the boy of Mercury
To the girl of Mars
If you'd only lived to be 5 weeks I'd never have known you or your faith and hope and all of the above
But I do and I'm filled with pride, hope, determination and love.

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