Love Will Never Change How We Feel

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Hes so smart. He's so cute. He's so perfect. He's just so amazing. When I was a freshman there were rumors that we were dating. Despite the rumors our love will never change how we feel.

We never cared about the rumors or what people thought about us. We just stuck together because we knew what we were together. Not as a lable we called each other best friends. That was our lable. Our love will never change how we feel.

As the friendship grew the feelings grew stronger. When there were rumors going around about me he never cared about them because he knew the truth. He's not once ever switched up on me. He always smiles when he sees me and says hi. Our love will never change how we feel.

He's so genuine sweet. Despite everything that has happened to me hes always looked passed that and still loved me for me. I love that he's so real and he doesn't have to act like someone he's not. He's always been so real with me since day 1. Our love will never change how we feel.

He's the reason why I come to school. I love coming to school just to see him. He can always make me smile everyday. He's the Chase Matthews to my Zoey Brookes. He's like my phone I always need it or have to have it. I always knew he was special to me. Now I know why he's special and our love will never change how we feel.

When he graduates this year I'll always have a special spot for him in my heart. He's my first and only love. I've loved him since I was a freshman. I've never poured my heart out about him till now. The feelings I have for him are endless. They'll never go away. Our love will never change how we feel.

When I found out he loved the Same thing I did I knew it was meant to be. He's the reason why I love songs about love. He's my distraction away from everything in life. He's always on my mind. Our love will never change how we feel.

There's never a day that goes by that I never think about him. I just love him so much. Our love will never change how we feel.

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