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Light hearted people, please don't look at the media at night! Muahah! :D 


Emily was different after she saw the raven attacking Lucy as a cannonball.

She was ripped between the logic of everything has a logical explanation to the happening where a sane person couldn't define the phenomena logically, and that too in front of her very own eyes. However, she was sure a hundred percent that she was sane and breathing when she saw that happen. So, what did happen?

She scratched her scalp roughly and then puffed all her breath out as her hands hung down on impact slapping her thighs. Frustrated and dejected, Emily stood staring at the bathroom mirror, contemplating, thinking, and calculating; yet, she reached nowhere.

Em tried to inhale as much air as possible to let it all out in one big billow of breath. When that didn't steady her erratic nerves, she opened the faucet and splashed cold water onto her face several times. After that, without closing the tap water, supporting her hands on the wash basin, she stood staring at her pale reflection in the mirror again as if that will help her solve this mystery. 

Could that have been a raven? How is that possible? The raven was rolled up like a ball with its pointy beak hitting Lucy on her head. How could that just happen?

She splashed the water hard on her face and opened her eyes to scream on top of her lungs, falling back down, merely missing the closet bowl by inches to her head.

Meanwhile, Katie was sitting with Tina and Mina outside by the pool, explaining to them what was happening so far. Tina, who was a strong devotee, had taken it all seriously while Mina was trying hard to keep her giggles inside. Seeing Katie sniffling made it hard for Mina to crack a joke.

As Katie finished speaking, she was wiping her nose with the tissue, and then discarded it to a small hill by her feet only to kick it all asunder hearing two wild blood-curdling screams coming from the house.

Knowing not where to run first, Katie ran in the direction of the scream that was near to her. She reached Emily in the first-floor bathroom to the left with water all over her. Kneeling down, Katie felt her heart soar watching the ever so bold Emily squirming and crying in utter fear.

"What? What is it?" Katie screamed at a very frantic Emily and then turned around to see if Tina was around to make her fetch some water. Apparently, they had run in direction of the other scream.

"Blood... blood, all around, it... it splashed... onto me... it was so bad," Emily hiccupped as she sobbed hysterically.

Katie scrunched her brows as she could only see water and the faucet were still running, gushing water in a very strong force. That was unlikely, Katie thought. "Shh, it's nothing, you were under stress, and it's alright..." Em didn't fight off the soothing voice of Katie as she rubbed Em's back. "Come on, Lucy is in trouble again, I guess."

Em just nodded her head. She then got up and walked out, crossing her hands. Katie joined her after she closed the faucet.

As they were proceeding to Lucy's room, Lucy's parents and the twins were already there. Lucy was in more hysterics than Emily since her temple had started to bleed as she clutched her head and bawled. She claimed she saw a skull smiling at her when the lightning struck but no matter how much nanny and Julie tried to assure her there was no thunder or lightning, Lucy didn't believe them.

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