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Rosings have never been immersed in such a distressing gloom that made the entire town weep and sniffle for the Livinggood family.

Word spread around faster than a hailstorm making it sensational and heart wrenching with meaningless words; for those who were in search of breaking news for their channel or newspaper. For those who gossiped; the coming month was a festival. Those who criticized severely couldn't hold down their fancy words on the tip of their tongue, they unleashed and it was just a dire judgment.

However, counting it all in wouldn't even surmise the defeat and deafening silence that have wrapped the Livinggood and those families who stood to the ground in support to them that night. Even though it was apparent that the death was a peaceful and victorious one after Lucy closed her eyes on its own with a smile and the smell of roses; however, the thought that Lucy was gone, forever, only to never come back flipped everyone's sanity.

Katie coped with silence, staring at Lucy's bed as long as someone nudged her awake. Emily has never stopped crying, showing signs of depression and insanity as per Sharon's judgment. Father Kruger left soon but Father Matthews couldn't leave the family. His constant prayer and sniffles soothed the families but sometimes Julian got so angry that he blamed it all on them for Lucy's death.

In total; Livinggood mansion was never going to be the same again.

The three mothers are under the strict guidance of their family doctor for their behavior which was horrible and horrific to a point where their doctor feared for their life. Lucy's mother constantly cried, "even if she was acting unnaturally, I could have seen her. She would have been with me. Oh God... why..."

It's been five days since the death and the next day was going to be her funeral.

The death was considered to be suspicious and the authority was informed from the word of Mrs.Rottweiler; thus, inspectors came to investigate, but were strongly dismissed by the family. Otherwise, there would have been an autopsy and that would have created a much different spectrum.

The night before the funeral, despite being exhausted and dejected, every one of the family fell asleep. One thing they never did after Lucy's death in fear of the horrific nightmares. But that night, they slept peacefully and they all saw the same dream.

In a garden which was beautiful than any garden they have ever seen; Lucy was standing by a rose bush, smelling and caressing the roses in a white flowy gown with her hair windswept. Her smile was just enchanting. In the distance, a bright white light blinded it all with only her and the shadow coming from in between was seen. The shadow spoke in a beautiful voice, "bid your family farewell my dear, and come with me." Lucy smiled and walked away with the shadow holding the bright light.

The funeral morning was bright, sunny and enchanting. The family got up refreshed and happy for the first time in forever to a bright beautiful day. They couldn't help but feel happier. They exchanged the words and were astonished to find everyone saw the same dream.

At about nine o clock in the morning, everyone was ready to leave for their church. Emily refused to wear black or any depressing color and walked out in Lucy's favorite color; yellow like the day it was. With Father Matthews, the family left to the church.

Upon reaching the house of God; it was a completely different atmosphere. Peace, torment, confusion, and gossip bubbled with the soft music. Though, many participated to assist and support them. Most of them were there for the free meal in the reception. But, there was another group; the vilest, and they were there to just spark a word about the family which was anything supportive. Mrs.Rottweiler was with them.

But Livinggood family wasn't here for them. They were here for the funeral. For Lucy, so they kept their head low and walked to the beautiful mahogany coffin polished and glittering.

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