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Baekhyun glanced at the clock hanging on the wall. "Isn't she supposed to be home by now? Or, should I go and fetch her?" He asked himself. He stand up from the sofa and grabbed his coat before heading to Dahyun's workplace. He walked and walked and walked and he met with Dahyun in the middle of the road. "Dahyun!" He shouted and ran towards Dahyun. "A-are you okay?" He asked after he noticed Dahyun was not really giving attention to his present. Dahyun looked at him. "S-senior Kai.." Dahyun said. "What?" He asked confused with the sudden name.

"Senior Kai, kiss me." She said. "What?!" Baekhyun became more furious. He grabbed Dahyun's hand and walked to the cafe back. "What are you doing?" Dahyun asked totally have no emotions in her tone. "How dare him to kiss you? You're mine not him!" Baekhyun said and Dahyun ripped Baekhyun's grip on her wrist. "What do you want to do? He kissed me on the forehead. He just wanted to calm me. He knew about my dad. They have known each other for a long time. He was like a brother to me but such a fool I am to fall in love with him. In his eyes...I was nothing other than a sister." Dahyun poured out her anger to Baekhyun who was jealous out of nowhere. 

"But still...kissing you is too much!" Baekhyun said. "As a brother, isn't he supposed to pat you head or stroke your hair or something else but KISS!" Baekhyun shouted back at Dahyun. Both of them looked down. "What are we....even doing?" Dahyun asked. "Life is too miserable." Baekhyun said. "Let's just...go home." Baekhyun said as he wrapped his hand on Dahyun's waist and walked back to their practically shared home. Dahyun laid her head on Baekhyun's shoulder. She breathed in the scent of Baekhyun. Slowly she was intoxicated with it.

The next day, Dahyun woke up early as always but Baekhyun woke up more earlier before Dahyun. He woke up early just to prepare a breakfast for the two of them. "Good morning." He said as he saw Dahyun in front of the kitchen door. "Morning." Dahyun replied. She sat down at the dining table. Looking at the breakfast Baekhyun has cooked for her. "I wonder how delicious this will be?" Dahyun asked as she grabbed a spoon and scoop a spoon full of fried rice. "Don't underestimated me. I'm cook more better than the restaurant in front there." Baekhyun said and get a cheekily smile from Dahyun.

Baekhyun sat in front of Dahyun and looked at her as she eat. After finished, both of them were getting ready for school. A lot of things happen and it feels like they have been in a two weeks holiday. They walked to the school together. All eyes on them the second they stepped in the school. "Yaa!! Byun Baekhyun. How's holiday?" His friend, Chanyeol asked as he put his arm around Baekhyun's shoulder. Dahyun who was standing beside Baekhyun just smile. "Oh, and Hi Dahyun!" Chanyeol greeted her merrily. "Hi.." She replied a little awkward. "Well Baekhyun. Why you never told me about this cute girl before? Since when did you two dated? How you two met?" Chanyeol asked. 

Of course everyone were curious since they just suddenly has been saw together too often and surprisingly they date each other. "It's non of your business Chanyeol-aa.." Baekhyun replied. "Why not?" Chanyeol asked back. "Just...because..." Baekhyun replied bluntly. "I'll be going first. I meet you later at lunch time." Dahyun said and went away to her class. Baekhyun just nodded and Chanyeol was waving at her like crazy and said, "See you later Dahyun-aa." Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol. "What?" Chanyeol asked innocently. "Is she your girlfriend or my girlfriend?" Baekhyun asked as he pointed at Chanyeol and after that himself. "Yours..." Chanyeol said as he pointed Baekhyun's finger at Baekhyun.  Baekhyun nodded.


Dahyun walked into her class just to collide with a really tall boy -- she was looking at the floor all the time -- "I'm sorry." She muttered under her breath but still audible for the other person. "Dahyun, right?" The boy said. Dahyun looked up and saw a boy from her class, Oh Sehun. "Oh, and you are who?" She asked back. "Oh Sehun! Don't you know me?" He asked back feeling a little hurt by Dahyun not acknowledge him. "Not really." Dahyun replied nonchalantly and went inside the classroom. Sehun followed her until Dahyun's seat place.

"What now?" Dahyun asked. "You really don't know me? Like seriously?" Sehun asked as he grabbed a chair from other table and sat in front of Dahyun. "No and I'm not interested in you." Dahyun replied. "Mhm...sounds like a challenge. Wanna bet?" Sehun asked as he raised his eyebrows. "No thank you." Dahyun replied still with her nonchalant voice. Frankly, she really did not interested with the boy. "Challenge accepted!" Sehun shouted which attracted everyone's attention. Dahyun rolled her eyes and went out from the class. With her earphone and phone with her, she went up to the rooftop.

 She put the ear bud inside her ear and play the music randomly in her playlist. 

Dahyun's POV

why with that boy? ..... is he just trying to flirt with me? ..... does he like me for real? ..... or, did the sky sent him to me ... so Baekhyun and me .... are over?

 She shook her head. 'I must be crazy.' She thought. But, she was confused. She knew the stupid agreement she had with Baekhyun -- where she agreed to be a substitute for each other -- and she didn't want to be alone again when Baekhyun had found someone new, but deep inside she was aching. She didn't want to leave Baekhyun's side. Does she finally develop some feeling for Baekhyun? Is she begin to fall in love again? 

She sat on the bench while looking up at the sky. She let her thought wandering around for a while. Suddenly, a big shadow blocking the sun light that has been hurting her eye sight for a while -- but she just ignore the sun light -- making Dahyun's eyes squinted. She can't see the person clearly since it too glare to see. "Why are you up here?" a familiar voice greet her eyes. After a few seconds, Dahyun's sight became bright and clear. "Baekhyun..." She said in shock. "Why? You look so shock." He said as he took a seat next to Dahyun. 

Dahyun shook her head. "Nothing...It is surprising to see you up here. Like, why are you here? The class is about to start." She said as she slow down the music that has been bursting out into her ears until now. Then, Baekhyun lie down next to Dahyun with his head on Dahyun's thigh. Dahyun was shock again with that sudden action of Baekhyun. "See, there's something with you. You are shock again. What are you thinking about?" Baekhyun asked while he closed his eyes from the burning sun with his arm. "I didn't think of anything. Really! I shocked because this is so suddenly, you have never done this before." Dahyun explained trying to hide her thought just now. 

Dahyun's POV

I have been dreaming about this at some other night before. Is this also a dream too? Another dream? Or is this actually happening? 

"Hahaha....I love this expression of you. You are really out spaced." Baekhyun burst in laugh.

"Huh?" Dahyun asked still didn't get it.

Baekhyun chuckled before answering, "Okay, I don't know what you are thinking about and I'm going to stop asking about that. So, please stop being shocked and zoned-out. You are too cute, I can't resist." A sudden confession from him?

"Oh..." Dahyun blurted out. The matter of fact that she is still confused but just shrugged it away.

* * * * *

Okay, sorry late update....I know I have not updating after a thousand years (jkjk). But, hey the exam is going too over soon and I'm going to graduate from my high school. Finally, school life has ended. So, next year I am turning 18, so you have a suggestion to what I should be trying ? Anything ? Just let me know. Okay...and after this I will have so much time to write and update. Be ready for the update party (LOL) :D -love you all. Have a nice day.

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