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"Oh, you are Dahyun right?" Asked Miss Woo when she passed by the school garden and saw Dahyun sitting there alone. "Ah...yeah..I'm Dahyun." Dahyun replied and she immediately stood up and bowed to show her politeness. Miss Woo smiled before said, "may I sit here?". Dahyun was confused but just nodded her head. "Why are you here alone? I thought that you would be at the hospital right know right? That Sehun injured his leg." Miss Woo asked. Slowly, Dahyun nodded her head. "Actually I just know about it this morning." Dahyun replied. 

"Ah...I guess you are not that interested in Sehun. Aren't you?" Miss Woo said and shocked Dahyun just nodded in response. "How'd you know?" Dahyun asked feeling guilty. "Well, you don't even feel worried for him and everyone can tell that." Miss Woo said and Dahyun looked down on her sneakers. "Dahyun-aa...what happen to you and Baekhyun? I thought that you two are the hot couple in this school. Why with that sudden broke up?" Miss Woo asked.

"We didn't broke up!" Dahyun suddenly replied -- in fact she wanted to protect the relationship. "Oh really? Then, why you two suddenly distancing yourselves?" Miss Woo asked again. "We are just giving each other some alone time. I think?" She replied and smiled cheekily. Miss Woo shook her head. "Something happen isn't it?" Miss Woo's question made Dahyun to look at the ground again. Dahyun was playing with the hem of her school uniform. 

"I'm not giving you some love advice, but think that if this happen in your family. When you suddenly don't talk to each other and distancing each other. It will become more worst and worst and worst. That's how Kai thought of you. When you decide to leave from your house...." Miss Woo stopped a while and looked at Dahyun expression before continuing, "....and went to Baekhyun's, even though you guys aren't blood-related, but he felt empty. You are like his sister." Miss Woo ended her words.

She grabbed Dahun's hand. "He felt angry for no reason, and that's love. He loves you as his sister. Did you know that he frequently visited your father? -- Dahyun shooked her head -- You and your dad are his only family. You know that he lived alone at the end of the alley and the only person who cared about him is your family." Miss Woo said. 

"He can't love you like you did." "He knew?" Dahyun was shocked. Miss Woo nodded. "It was obvious dear. He can't help but to think you as his own sister. Because he owed you a lot." Dahyun was guilty but at the same time feeling embarrassed. "I was surprised the time I heard about you and Baekhyun. I was curious how you two can be together. You two don't know each other and not the person who like to talk." Miss Woo chuckled.

"It-it was some promise that we made and it leads to some default love. So, we are confused. We don't even know what are we. Are we thing? But no one could answer. So, we end up getting into some stupid fight and yeah, I'm confused." Dahyun explained. "You want him to come back but you have done a mistake and you couldn't just pushed Sehun away. Right?" Miss Woo asked and Dahyun shyly replied 'yeah'.

"Your father is still in prison and the school is almost over. Kai is planning on going study abroad. You may need Baekhyun. He is the one left and the one who can love you." Miss Woo said. Dahyun nodded and with that, Miss Woo excuse herself as she has a class to teach. 



"So, Joy is your childhood friend?" Dahyun asked and Baekhyun nodded. "Yeah, annoyingly, clingy childhood friend." He replied. "You sounded like you have crushed on her." Dahyun said and Baekhyun immediately waving his hand as a sign of 'no'. Dahyun smiled looking at his reaction. "She was so ... irritating. I don't like when she was around me. It's suffocating. I can't breathe." Baekhyun said. "Ah...suffocating beauty? Is she?" Dahyun asked. "No! Dahyun-aa..I hate her. So much. The feeling when she was around is...suffocating that I want to get out from there as soon as possible and want to go far away from her so I can breathe normally. Unlike when I'm with you, I like being suffocate around you. I would pray to be drown in your arms." Baekhyun explained. 

Dahyun chuckled. "From where did you pick up that lines?" Dahyun asked. "Oh~ comes from the bottom of my heart. I......" Baekhyun stopped for a while from his whining. "I -- what?" Dahyun asked waiting for Baekhyun to continue. "I -- L-LOVE -- YOU." He stuttered. Dahyun shocked. She fell on the bench again and her sight fall on the ground. She can't bring herself to look up at Baekhyun. "I don't want to be substitute anymore. Don't be a replacement, be mine." He said as he going down on one of his knees. 

He lifted Dahyun's chin to look up at him. "Will you stop being my replacement? Starting from now, be my girlfriend?" Baekhyun asked and extended his hand to Dahyun. Dahyun smiled and grabbed on Baekhyun hand. Baekhyun hugged her tightly. "Now, I declared that our love is no longer default. We're officially together." He said and Dahyun nodded in Baekhyun's embrace. "That's a nice view to watch." Chanyeol said. The two looked up at Chanyeol and Tzuyu who were watching them not so far from where they standing.

"How much did you see??" Baekhyun asked slightly feel embarrass. "Everything!!" Tzuyu replied and squealed. "I'm really a fan of you guys and I can see this affection in live.!!" She screamed. "It's not like we're going to record our affection. This is not live either." Dahyun said. "What do you mean unnie? I can see my favorite ships being close to each other in front of my eyes!! That was fantastic." Tzuyu said and they all laughed at her reaction.

"So, how about Sehun and Joy then?" Chanyeol asked. "What's so hard? One need's attention and one need's someone to care of..Don't you think they are perfect together?" Tzuyu asked. The other thought of it and after a while nodding their head.


"Baekhyun-aa, I already arrived at the hospital. Where are you? I was worried sick when you told me that you are at the hospital." Joy asked on the phone with Baekhyun while she was rushing to the elevator. "Yeah..hehe, I'm in room 301." Baekhyun replied. "Okay...I'll be there in a minute. Wait for me." Joy said and Baekhyun ended the call.

Joy went through every floor to find the said room. After an hour of searching, finally she found the room 301. She knocked on the door and twisted the knob. "Baekhyun-aa." She said but then, her eyes were met with Sehun's eyes. "Dahyun?" Sehun asked since he thought that it was Dahyun coming. "No, I'm not Dahyun. I'm Joy. Now, where's Baekhyun?" Joy asked. 

"There's no one name Bakehyun here. Now, tell me where's my Dahyun?" Sehun asked. "I come alone. I didn't bring any Dahyun in the way here!" She replied. "Excuse me miss, you must be the guardian, right? This is Oh Sehun-ssi's medicine. Make sure he take the pill 2 times after eat, everyday. Okay? We leave you on duty for the night." Said the nurse while handing the medicine to Joy. Without conscious, Joy took it.

Joy and Sehun looked shocked. "What's that? I thought that Dahyun will come and be my guardian just like what she said just now." Sehun said as he looked down on the white mattress. "And I thought that Baekhyun was inside the ward." Joy said as she blinked her eyes twice. She put the medicine on the small table and sat down on the chair next to the table.

There's a silence for almost an hour. "Hey -- "Sehun called for Joy and Joy looked up at him. "What?" Joy asked and again, a silence. Joy stood up and almost want to left when Sehun hold on her hand. She was confused and she looked at Sehun.

"Let's be substitute."  That words, once again being uttered but it didn't coming out from Baekhyun or Dahyun, now it came out from Sehun. Joy, who was lost in her own thought only stood there thinking of the answer. Eventually, she replied, "W-Why not?".

[ THE END ] 

= tell me how you like it? I can't even believe myself. I just write a boring story. There will be a Q&A Section (will be publish later, so prepare your questions) <3 have a nice day everyone. Thank you for reading this book until the end. You have been such a patient person in this world. I love you, your families love you, your bias love you. Also, sorry for any mistakes in here. I'm freaking so lazy to edit it. LOL!!=

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