What a freaking hard day...

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In the morning,the boy took a bath and packed his items to go to the Exorcists crib. He was so excited to see what things he could find in the woods and desserts,he when he left his house he rushed through the bushes until he got to the desserts
. He saw a sign saying "watch out for any danger,this place is crawling with danger" then the boy just took a deep breath and stepped his foot onto the sand. The boy was just strolling aroud the dessert and suddenly a Giant Sand snake popped from the sands,the boy laughed,the giant snake was just a name,the giant snake was just 1 meter long,but then the Snake bit the boys legs,the boy screamed in terror and the snake laughed at him.

Snake: hey your weak,and you dont taste good

Boy: im not weak u little white,stinky,long,thing

Snake: getting mad to a little snake? Hahahaha weak.....

Boy: well im gonna show you who's weak!

The boy pulled the snakes tail and throw it to a lava pit near the sands,wow this dessert is really dangerous,who puts lava pits in the of a Desert? Seriously!!!!

Boy: now you know who's weaker

The boy noticed something came out from the lava pit,and it was a spear,the spear had weird snake like ornemants on it,he grabbed the spear and packed it in his bag. The boy was so exhausted until he got into the woods,but the woods isnt an ordinary one,its the midnight woods,where the midnight falls stands beside the forest,the name of the forest is "Forest of Dusk".
He rushed in and sprint like a cheetah running through the woods so fast that even wind cant stand it,after a while he looked suprised,He saw a big,beautiful,majestic,and other amazing stuff,and also a crib...and its not a crib its a treehouse on a branch way up on the steep mounty hill,he climbed up with a rope and hooks,and had a hard time clinging his hooks through the rocks. After the boy got to the crib,theres a sign at the door saying "go back please,i forgot i got 6 appointments with pro wizards,and im sorry for getting you in trouble finding the way through my house,well Cyaaaa"

Boy: wow Maldever is such a jerk,well i think ill stay here for a while,the view is nicer than Andrea's curves

Then the boy waited for Maldever to comeback from his appointment...

To be continued...

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