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y/n pov

I woke up to the sound of twice singing cheer up.

Ughhhhh I never thought that I would dread hearing that song so much. The reason being is that it's my first day of high school.

According to s/n ( if they are younger than you or don't exist than pretend this story is fiction so) high school is even worse than middle school and middle school was basically a nicer word for hell so.... (It feels weird saying that cause I am British lol)

I made my way down the stairs and put some cerial in the bowl. I opened the fridge and there is no milk. T.T lovely.

My mum came downstairs in her work clothes and looked at me in shock."WHAT ARE YOU DOING IT IS 7:30 YOU HAVE TO LEAVE BY 8:00 YOU HAVE SCHOOL WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" She yelled at me.

Oh crap I forgot to set my alarm to the time I wake up for school at (even though I usually just turn it off and go to sleep for a while ^.^)

Ughhh but I really want to eat...

I than noticed the iced coffee that my mum always buys but I always drink...hmmm

I ended up using it as a substitute for milk and yes I do regret it. Please don't judge me...

I put my h/l h/c in a ponytail (if it's to short than just pretend.) I put my school uniform on (the picture at the top of the chapter) I brushed my teeth and literally dunked my face in water.

Time check 8:00. Phew. I grabbed my backpack (https://www.amazon.co.uk/Cosplay-Kaneki-cosplay-school-backpack/dp/B00U3NPHKM)
(You should watch tokyo ghoul and get into anime it has a similar to the life destroying thing known as kpop hahaha there is no escape from the fandoms)

I plugged my earphones in and got into my mums car. Of course she drove me there.

When I got to school I started awkwardly looking for someone I know so we can be awkward together. I looked around for a while. Luckily I found Jisoo or at least someone who looks like Jisoo.

I nervously approached the girl to make she was Jisoo because I didn't want to embarass myself. I looked at the person's face and yep it was Jisoo.

"Unnie" I said whilst tackling Jisoo."I was really lost and had no idea where I was going or what I was supposed to do. She patted my head. "At least your not dead right?" She said trying to be positive.

"What if I actually am dead already and am just stuck in an illusion that I am still alive O.o" I said. "Stop questioning reality all the time" "never."


So me and Jisoo got our timetables and luckily we somehow both had all the same classes I wonder how that happened. Well looks like I'm not alone!

We made our way to our first class which was Science one of my worst subjects >.< (sorry if you are actually good at science but lets be honest here would we really do or even be able to do half the stuff the reader does in fanfictions)

Me and Jisoo were late by a few minutes. We had to be shown to our class by a teacher :/

The class was already filled with students that were all standing in one part of the classroom so I guess we haven't been assigned seats yet but anyway how did they find their way to class. Did they just magically know their way around or something?

The teacher was understanding though and said that it was normal to get lost on our first day so phew -.-'

The teacher put us in our assigned seats. She said that who we sat next to was our partner in this class. Jisoo was told to sit next to some random kid. Looks like we are not gonna be partners.

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