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???????? Pov (oh who could it possibly be *note the sarcasm*)

Ughhh I can't fight my urge I MUST SEE HER!!! I MUST SEE MY PRECIOUS Y/N!!!! Okay calm down.... I can't take her yet. But I do have an opportunity to talk to her...

Oh my sweet y/n.

You don't know it yet but......

We are going to be married.

Too bad I have to deal with those bitches that always follow her. Their just as bad as me if not worse. Killing other people. Their putting my y/n in danger. If they hurt her if anyone hurts her. There will be a lot of deaths...

Y/n's pov

I opened my eyes it was Saturday. Yay!!! I felt really happy that I could sleep for however long I want...  Until my mum literally drags me out of bed or something that is.

I frowned. I don't know why but I have a horrible feeling something bad is going to happen. But it's probably  nothing.

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