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I hope I grew up into the person you wanted me to be,
Seven years have gone by,
But your memories never leave me
I miss you so much.

The afternoon tea time is no longer pleasurable.
Nor the harvest season for the fruits in the farm.
But your memories never leave me
I miss you so much

Childhood was spent with the characters of your stories
Christmas Eve was spent at the town's fair
Summer holidays were spent watching you weave
All you said was be a positive influence on everyone I met.

I was late in meeting you before you breathe your last
When I came you were six foot under
But your memories never leave me
I miss you so much

Shutting down was all I could do
I refused to grieve and I harden myself
But your memories never leave me
I miss you so much

One day you appeared in my dream
All I could say was I was sorry, I couldn't meet you
And you smiled and said," everything is going to be alright"
That helped me to let go of the pain

When things go wrong in my life
And when I miss you so much.
I close my eyes and visualize your smiling face
Saying," everything is going to be alright".

Thorns and RosesWhere stories live. Discover now