Chapter 1: Story of my Life

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#Tylers POV#

I feel stiff, even with my toes sticking out of my blanket,oh well maybe because it's winter? Well I do consider myself stupid after all....ok forget it.

Well looks like someone came to wake me up with her wake up call. She's my 8 year old sister Tiffany. She is a little desperate to go roller skate. But a bit clumsy I say.

I stood up, got my slippers and head for the door. With the aroma of freshly baked pancakes with an extra scent if strawberry.

Dad flashed through the door yelling goodbye to us. Mom greeted me as usual,"Morning sleeping trunk!" I just smile, while Tiffany was laughing. Well I guess I'm sleepy after all it's 11:54 a.m. almost midday.

Stuff I am really worried about is the yearly doctor check-up. Last year mother's results came out not that bad, only a bit of overweight. Even though she is as thin as a branch. Maybe the diet didn't work out that well?

Thank god it's Saturday, I never get a great sleep lets say... Sundays I have to go lure fishing with my dad. I really don't like it, because there's that weird smell of swampy lakes, and rotten fish all over the place. I'd rather prefer staying home reading a book or even play with Tiffany,which is a better choice.

One thing I always have in mind, is the soothing sound of music filling the air. Once I hear it I feel like a squirrel finally finding a nut! I used to have an old band called Gold Coast Titans. Our band was separated weeks ago, thanks to the drummer Titus.

He got tired of making a new rhythm, being the one who makes all the music flow,etc. Being realistic I really didn't believe we got so far, but just old Titus won't resist it. Then there's the pianist,Scott.

Scott is a pretty cool dude that plays other piano like a master. He will give it all to get a song done in less than a day.

We also had the guitarist,Fred. One of the best people who knows how to jam around this state! With his great guitar solos we can do pretty much everything.

Then what comes up to me, is the singer. I really don't like my voice tone, but people say it's great as hell! I don't really know if it's something to insist or reality.

I don't like to dedicate much of my time to music, I also dedicate my time to reading. When it comes to books,I'm always eager to read it. The problem is,I read so fast,I finish a book within a week. Everyday I sing my very first self composed song.

"Even through the darkest days! This fire burns! Always!"

But I just hope everything goes alright in the yearly doctor checkup.

~To be continued~

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