Chapter 18: Three Weeks of Life

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Tyler:"Tiffany!!You in here?"



Tiffany:"Brother?Is everything ok?"

Tyler:"...I'll just explain tomorrow ok?"

Tiffany:"Fine I'll just go to sleep and wait..."

Tyler:(I must tell her...I must...)

Tiffany:"Night!Love you brother!"

Tyler:(I just feel very stiff...but...uh...tomorrow...)"Night Sis!Me too!"

Tyler:(I must figure out how much time she has left...I must sleep and take her tomorrow to Dr. Fred's...)


9:36 a.m.


Woah!!!I must hurry!!


Tyler:"Don't scare me like that!"

Tiffany:"Are you telling me?"

Tyler:"I'll tell you once you get ready and come pick up the results with me ok?"

Tiffany:"Uh fine...."


11:12 a.m.


Tyler:"Mom Tiffany is coming with me ok?"

Mom:"Just take good care of her ok?"

Tyler:"I'll surely will."

Tiffany:"Let's go!"

-----On the Road-----

Tiffany:"So brother...are you alright? You've been acting weird with me..."

Tyler:"Read your blood results..."


-----Tyler's Mind-----

Oh hope she understands it because if I explain I would be falling to pieces...

-----On the Road-----

Tiffany:" this true...?"

Tyler:"Results don't lie..."

Tiffany:"I knew I had something bad...I felt it...maybe because I stay too much in the sun?Bad appetite?I don't know...but I felt something weird inside of me..."

Tyler:"I'm sorry Tiffany...we are going to see Fred...see if he can predict how long you last...until you-"


Tyler:"If that's how it's called..."

-----Tyler's Mind-----

I looked straight into Tiffany's eyes...tearing a bath tub being drained...we are just about getting there...I hope she has plenty of time...

-----Medical Center-----

Dr.Fred:"Stupid keys...won't ever close...grrr."

Tyler:"Doc!!!Wait up!!"

Dr.Fred:"What is it Tyler?Don't you see it's already 11:30?I'm about to take a break!I've worked already 7 hours without rest!Find me after 4 and maybe-"

Tyler:"Doc!It's really important!Check this out!"


Tyler:"Just wait Tiffany...he will help us..."

Dr.Fred"Hmmm....oh!It can't be?!It's a joke! You just wasted my ti-"

Tyler:"Doc!Come on already!Its true!We need help!"

Dr.Fred:"You are lucky your father and I are related...I'll take a look I guess..."

-----20 mins later-----

Dr.Fred:"I'm afraid to say it but...3 weeks...."

~To be Continued~

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