Chapter 9:Past

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I woke up,in tears rarely...But now some of my memories come back,my head hurts,I'm dizzy,and I don't feel well. I remembered my sight as a baby...remembered how organized my room toys...etc.

I suddenly remembered my mother,she was usually divorced so we were only the two of us in a house. The house wasn't that giant of a size but it was a good size. I remember I was turning 3 and mother and I were usually there all alone. She baked me a Creamy cake,accompanied with ice cream.

Mother made me go to bed at 6,but I really don't know why. Maybe she was busy? I really don't know...I slept with my blue elephant besides me,and my little teddy bear.With big blue eyes,he was so fluffy.

There was a day in which a person,came to our house and took me away from my mother...she was crying when it happened. The only thing I actually do remember about her is her pendant,I still wear it. I figured out I was put into adoption,back then I was 7. Nobody came near day I met my actual parents...I usually think of them as step-parents. They came and adopted me...

Years later,my step-mom got pregnant...that's where little Tiffany came in,she was so tiny,I was 8 when it happened. Tiffany is now 8 years old while I'm 15,where I think high school is tough. Have to practice with my band and everything else.

Tiffany grew faster than I thought,but she gets sick most of the time. I love Tiffany because she is crazy,obedient,and a great sister. She always asks me questions about life,she wants to be a bird owner...which I like the idea since birds are my favorite animal. I better wake up...I better get a pill or something,my head really hurts...

~To he Continued~

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