Chapter Three

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Look After You  

Chapter 3

"Did you have fun?" Carter asked as soon as I opened the door.

"Yeah. I did." I replied, ruffling Courtney's hair.

"How long was I there?" I asked, pulling out my phone.

"Three hours." He shrugged.

I was there a whole three hours? It didn't feel like it at all. I looked out the window and watched as we passed my school and a couple of other businesses.

"I'm hungry." Courtney whined. I looked at Carter and he sighed and shook his head.

"Burger King or McDonalds?"

"McDonalds!" Courtney and I chorused.

Carter pulled in and up to the window. "Erm, what do you want?"

I stared at the giant menu and picked my favorite thing, "Cherry Berry Chiller and a number 5."

"Combo?" He asked.

"Combo." I smiled, "I'm a fatty."

Carter rolled his eyes and looked down at Courtney, "What do you want?"

"Fwies. And milkshake." She grinned, wryly.

"Chocolate or vanilla?"

"Nilla!" She giggled. Carter smiled and ordered.

"Didn't want anything?" I asked, quirking an eyebrow. He shook his head. I pulled out 10 dollars, handing it to him.

We pulled up at the front window and he pulled out his wallet.

"Carter?" I asked, waving my money around. He ignored me and paid the teenage girl.

"Dude. What the heck?" I asked, leaning over Courtney and hitting the back of his head.

"It was on me." He winced, rubbing it.

"No! Take my money." I demanded, throwing it at him.

"No, Chanel. I'm not taking your money."

"Take the money." I said, through gritted teeth.

"No." He scowled.



"Aww. Look at the cute little couple bickering." The girl gushed.

"Oh. We're not a couple." I said, shaking my head.

"We're not? Chanel! Is there something you're not telling me?" He gasped, feining hurt.

I rolled my eyes, "Pull up to the next window."

Carter grinned and did as I told him. "You know next time it's on me?"

"Whatever makes you sleep at night, Nell. Whatever makes you sleep."

We all hopped out the car. We carefully got Courtney out and climbed the ramp to my small house.

I pulled out my key and stuck it in the hole. "Damn key." I muttered, shaking it.

"Let me do it." Carter smiled, putting his hand over mine and turning the lock.

"Thanks." I mumbled, embarrassed.

I walked in the house, furrowing my eyebrows when I smelled something burning. My head snapped to the kitchen. I bolted towards it and swung open the door. I looked around, seeing nobody in here. I glanced at the stove to see it turned on and water boiling over. What the hell? I walked over to it and turned it off. I turned around and looked around the room and saw a foot. I walked to the other side of the counter and saw my mom sitting on the floor.

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