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Hermoso has added Baby Daddy😈 and Superdaddy to The Twins

Hermoso: I mix ur names up on Snapchat sometimes

Baby Daddy😈: Why

Hermoso: No reason 😁😁😁

Superdaddy: C'mon babe

Baby Daddy😈: babe? Yes brooo

Superdaddy: We are not together just friends Emilio 🙄

Hermoso: I have to go..see u later

Superdaddy: Byyeeee
UndercoverGay: Lucy can u come over here..?

Lucer: Who am I hurting?

UndercoverGay: Emilio thought me and Ivan were dating and he got mad before saying "just friends Emilio 🙄"

Lucer: Open up I have your favorite hoodie

UndercoverGay: Thanks

Lucy🤘🏻 has added Van Man to the chat

Lucy🤘🏻: You're a fucking idiot and I'm going to kill you

Van Man: Why

Lucy🤘🏻: YOU'RE B L I N D

Van Man: ????

Lucy🤘🏻 has changed Van Man's name to Blind Bitch


Blind Bitch: Oh
:) what's one of my books without drama? I'm happy so here.

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