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Babygirl: What the fuck Emilio?

Emilio: ?

Babygirl: u told Ivan he can't like me for your own selfish desires?

Emilio: I'm sorry

Babygirl: Bandaids don't fix every wound and sorry doesn't fix every problem. Don't talk to me until I'm ready.

Emilio: Ok..

I'm A Van has sent a snap!

I'm A Van has sent a snap!

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Babe😁 took a screenshot!

Babe😁: Get one then???

I'm A Van: Mmmmmmm ok 😊

Babe😁: I'm gonna watch movies and get fat with Lucy. Show me your new haircut later

I'm A Van: Ok.
happyBaby: Come over and lick cheesecake off my dick

My Hero: Mmm cheesecake

happyBaby: 😂😂😂😂😂

My Hero: where's your boyfriend?

happyBaby: Getting a haircut

My Hero: L A M E now open up

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