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Child has added Laucy Who? and Lolo Regz to #LaucyPartyIsOver

Child: Hello 😊

Laucy Who?: No

Lolo Regz: Hey kiddo

Child: Lowkey actually ship Laucy??????

Laucy Who?: I'm inviting your boyfriend

Child: No please don't be hates me 😭😭

Laucy Who? has added Van Man to the chat.

Mi Amor: Hi guys

Child has left the chat
Lolo Regz has added Child to the chat

Laucy Who?: Y/N talk to this boy

Mi Amor: what do u need?

Child: No

Mi Amor: Truth. Now

Child: Not here.
Mi Amor: ???

Babygirl: I don't want to

Mi Amor: Please

Babygirl: I'm scared

Mi Amor: Of?

Babygirl: Losing u. Losing the love of my life. Losing the reason I smile anymore. Losing my happiness.

Mi Amor: U will never lose me

Babygirl: That's what my last girlfriend said Ivan..

Mi Amor: Baby don't do that

Babygirl: "U will never lose me" she said "I love u" she said "ur the only one" she said "me and u till the end" she said. I lost her. She didn't love me. She cheated on me.

Mi Amor: But u ARE my only one. I do love u. I would never cheat on u.

Babygirl: Mhm

Mi Amor: baby please. Let's talk in person.

Babygirl: Hurry.
:D I love drama.

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