
3.3K 144 40

Oh my god I can't believe it's over!! I only had the story going for a bit over a month and it grew so fast in such a short period of time. It reached 5k reads before I even published the last chapter and chapter 32 got 40 comments within the first hour of it being published!

I like how no one noticed that North Shore High is actually the school from Mean Girls. But St Vivian's is actually a Catholic school down the street from my old school. This story is littered with references, I love when you guys find them.

I'd also like to add that I found leggylance on tumblr and they asked for a link to this fic yesterday, so hi if you're reading this now.

Serious thanks to Cosmic who encouraged me to this in the first place. They helped me figure out a lot with this fic, I was always able to go to them for advice. So thank you!! The story might've been a bit different without your input.

Also thanks to everyone who read, especially those who commented! I loved your comments! I get so many that I don't reply to them all, but I do make sure I read them all. I wish I could like comments on here, I'd like all of them so you'd know.

Again, thank you all sooo much for all your support! I hope it can carry on through my future stories. A year after I finished this story, it's gone from 5k reads to 121k reads. That's what encouraged me to write a sequel.

You heard me right. A sequel! Game Over out now!


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