Chapter 2: The Sad Truth

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Drew’s POV

Pulling up in our U-shape driveway I saw a blue jeep sitting in the secondary house driveway. I made my way out of the car and into the. "I'm home mom!" I yelled throwing my keys on the end table by the door. "Oh honey, come in the kitchen!" She yelled back sounding cheerful.

I walked into the kitchen to see my mom, my dad, Dereck, and three black girls. One was a very nice looking older woman and the other was a very sexy younger version of the other one. She had shoulder length black hair, brown skin, nice curves, and a cute smile. Then there was an even younger version of the two.

"Honey, meet the nurse for your grandfather. Her name is Arlene Hills and this is her 16 year old daughter Arlisha Hills, and her 3 year old daughter Lishana." My mom said grinning. I held my hand out for them to shake. "Nice to meet you three, my name is Drew Wells."

"Wow you have such nice manners." The older lady said shaking my hand and I gave her a charming smile.

"Hey." The girl said in a somewhat boring tone. I grabbed her hand to kiss but before it hit my lips my mom interrupted.

"Um why don't we show you to my father's room Arlene? Oh, and Drew and Dereck, you could show Arlisha and Lishana to their house next door." My mom said in an annoyed voice as she saw Arlisha's had so close to my mouth. I quickly dropped it.

"My name is Arlisha ma'am." She said with a sarcastic smile earning her a little shove from her mom. She gave her mom a 'what' look but no words were spoken. The tension was thick now.

"Well why don't we get to it." My dad said something for the first time since I got into the kitchen and I was happy for it. My mom grabbed Arlene's shoulder and gently pushed her out of the kitchen towards the stair. My dad started following closely behind.

Arlisha's POV

I nearly wanted to scream when she said my name wrong. She knew got damn well she did that on purpose. She had been saying it right since she met me. Now she wanna get it wrong. Why because her soon took it upon his self to try and kiss my hand. Nobody told him to do something so stupid.

My mom told me earlier that a lot of the white people in this town were semi-racist. Not back in the day racist but segregated racist. We blacks stayed to our self and stayed respectful, the whites stayed to there safe but kept respectful. That's just how this town was.

When my mom told me that her new great paying job was to be a house nurse for the Wells family I didn't know how to speak. I sort of felt, I don't know, poor.

It was like we were living off them. Staying in there secondary house and my mom working for them. She said I was just for a while.

Mr. Wells was a very fine doctor and told her that by watching over his father in-law he could see if she could be a nurse or doctor at his hospital that he owned by the way. The Wells family was the wealthiest family in Way Brook. (A/N

Way Brook is the neighborhood she moved too.)

"Um earth to Arlisha?" The boy I met earlier, Dereck, said. "Oh my bad. I didn't even know you was talking to me. What you say?" I asked.

He looked at me a little funny. "I was asking you if you were about ready to go to your tour of your 'house'?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What's with the emphasis on house?" I asked with attitude as I folded my arms.

"Look lets just go alright, I have some where to be in an hour." The other guy,

Drew, stated. I just rolled my eyes and muttered, "Whatever." He smiled and started leading the way next door. I grabbed Shana's hand and followed.

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