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This is a story I have wanted to write for a while. I'm not trying to be dirty but in my school we have been talking of the girls that have been sexually abused and I will like to do a chapter about that. Hope you enjoy and remember this is not to be dirty is only to make awernes of some girls have to deal with


today once again the hunters attacked we were winning as always... but then I turned for a minute to check on the others and the next thing I fell was a cold metal chain raped around my waist.

I saw that the hunters have captured Astrid and the next thing I was was the drangon hunters moving away then I heard fish legs say..

F: don't worry hiccup will get her back she is Astrid she will be find.
H: ok 😡 lets go

I was on a cell at the dragon hunter ship I thought I was going to be as always stay there all day and all night just thinking but then happened something That make me so mad... I was strapped with chains hands and lengua then 2 of Viggos men started to take my clothes off they left me with just my panties and my bra and then they put me back on the cell and every time I complained of I did something like yell scream they would hit me so by the time they putted me back on the cell I was already with a black eye and blood in my mouth.

                          TIME SKIP 1 HOUR
It has been one hour since that happened then they took me to viggos office I was in my bra and panties I had an idea of what was about to happen...
When I got to viggos office they had stormfly and viggo asked me to model him and If i complained they will hit stormfly so the only thing I did was just stay there and do what he asked me to do. Then they took stormfly away and viggo started to well .......... you know. Then 3 of his man came in and did the same thing.... After 2 hours of suffering I was finally given my clothes so I could change. I was traumatized the only thing I did all night was just cry cry and cry. They didn't let me do my hair. But finally after 2 hours hiccup came to rescue me. But when hiccup grabbed me o didint Wanted to be touch by anybody not even heather i just jumped in stormfly and we fly as fast as stormfly could until we got in the edge.  Wen I got to my hut I ran to the bathroom and took a shower and cry I didn't want to talk to any one I didn't wanted to eat or do anything.

If you want 2 part comment down bellow

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