Chapter 2 - I got this

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The Jeep drove away, and my legs gave up as I landed on my knees in the grass. I cried intill I couldn't anymore.

My only thing I could go to for personal talk was now gone, inless you count my ex-boyfriend Austin which I hardly ever see considering he's in the Air Force. I felt it was too weird to talk to my parents about friends, my future, sex, drugs, ect. My "girlfriends" gossip alot, which is something I sometimes cannot stand.

Would thing ever return to the way the were? Hopefully I wake up tomarrow morning and none of this really happened.

I stood up and wipped my pant legs, turned around and went up the fours stairs...slowly, yet surely.

I had to have been sitting on the porch bench for hours when a car pulled into the driveway. "Hey, Ashley." Austin said as I ran and jumped into his arms and cried. "He's gone." I managed to get out. "I know hun, I know, but he'll be back I promise." he said as he looked down at his Air Force uniform noticing the Puddle of tears I left on his chest. "Alright." I mumbled "I'm guessing you haven't done any of your work today.." he assumed "yeah, I kinda-sorta am going to need someone's help with the horses." I said, "Soo i'm guessing your asking for my help." He asked with a smirk. "Only if you took it that way my dear." I laughed. "Don't worry, i'll help you. Just let me change first." he said pointing towards the puddle of tears that were still there. "Yeah, i'm really sorry about that.", "Oh no! Everyone run...the girl with the tears is going to stain your uniform!!!!" he said loudly. "Shush. I didn't mean to." I mumbled, "Haha, I know. Don't sweat it either bro." he said "I got this." he said afterwards like george lopez. We litterally laughed intill I cried because one of my favorite thing to do was watch george lopez with Isaiah.

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