Chapter Four

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Riley had determined the only way to rescue her technology would be to sneak in on the middle of the night. It would be risky, but she didn't care. She wanted to keep up with Leah. The clock struck midnight and the faint sound of her mother's snores drifted through the house. Riley pulled out a flashlight and her lock pick set keeping track of her mother's snores as she rummaged through her closet. She took out a beanie, gloves, and a black hoodie. She slipped on the attire, checking in the mirror that every strand of blue was covered and that her fingerprints wouldn't be detected. She nodded at her reflection and slipped out of her window. Her feet hit the dirt. She glanced around to make sure nobody was outside to see her, and luckily nobody was outside. Riley casually walked down the street, every time she breathed, a mist went through the air. It was a chilly night, and Riley felt it. As she was distracted by her breath she bumped into a figure. Worried it was a police officer, she backed up slowly. The figure turned around and revealed that she was Harper. Riley had figured out that Harper was a goodie two shoes, it was surprising she was out walking this late. It was also surprising that she had makeup on to cover up the bruises Riley had given her.



The two looked each other over. Harper didn't understand why Riley was out so late, until she noticed that Riley looked like she was about to break into somewhere. Riley just as well couldn't understand why Harper was out and about dressed like she was in the tundra.

"I'd suggest you get out of my way," Riley simply said, keeping up a front. She walked around Harper, unaware she was following her. Riley began to shiver slightly, and regret not wearing more layers.

"Riley! Wait. I'm coming with you." Harper chimed, catching up to Riley with ease. Riley was confused. Was this road just one that made people want to be near her? Why Harper of all people? I mean, she thought Luke was okay, but Harper and her were polar opposites. Riley stopped in her tracks and turned around towards Harper.

"No." She bluntly said, looking Harper in her eyes. Harper had amber eyes, that Riley almost got lost in. Even Leah's blue eyes didn't hold as much emotion in them as Harper's.

"T-Then I guess I'll have to call the police about a suspicious figure on my street." Harper stammered, a smug look on her face. Riley glared at her. She had a mission, and she knew Harper was going to stand in her way one way or another. She let out a groan.

"Fine. But, just to let you know, I'm breaking into the school. Don't want to tarnish your squeaky clean reputation." Riley mocked, walking in the direction of the school. She figured Harper would've turned around and gone home, but she was persistent.

"This is illegal." Harper stated bluntly, walking aside Riley and glancing at the night sky.

"A lot of things are illegal, thanks for noticing." Riley responded sarcastically, beginning to rub her arms to try and keep them warm. She felt something being placed on her shoulders and saw that the jacket Harper was wearing had relocated onto Riley's body. She snapped her head over to yell at Harper, but she saw something written on Harper's face. Wonder. She was looking at the full moon with wonder written on her face. Riley wished she could know what Harper was thinking. Riley caught herself thinking about Harper before she reminded herself, she still loved Leah. She didn't need to be thinking about anybody like that. Especially not goodie two shoes Harper White. Riley slipped on Harper's magenta jacket over top of her own and the smell of strawberries coursed into her nose. Her eyebrows raised, the scent of strawberries had never smelled so good.

"Have you ever wanted to know what it would be like to live on the moon like an alien? Away from people who will judge you, far away from hypocritical words, disappearing from the world." Harper pondered aloud, surprising Riley. Of course, what Riley didn't know was that Harper was nervous. She was distracting herself from what she actually agreed to doing. She almost wanted to walk far away from Riley, never to be associated with breaking and entering, but a little voice in her head told her to do it. She was at the point where she had been sweating because she was nervous, that's when she looked over and saw Riley shiver. She had turned away once she laid the jacket on her and started to look at the stars. The rest of their walk was quiet between the girls, but loud in their minds. There was a million things running through Riley's mind, and a thousand in Harper's. The school was in view, so Riley threw her hoodie up, Harper doing the same. Harper jogged up to the all familiar front door and began to push on it.

"Wait-!" Riley called out, but Harper had already opened the door, triggering the silent alarm. Another group of teenagers in the parking lot, spray painting the ground ran off in a different direction. Harper froze, glancing at Riley. She hadn't understood what she did.

"Come on," Riley whispered, grabbing Harper's arm and dragging her into the school. Riley figured they had five minutes as she unlocked a random desk in the office.

"What are you looking for?" Harper asked, glancing around nervously. Harper felt like she was about to pee herself.

"My phone." Riley answered, looking at Harper. She didn't find her phone in the drawer and looked at Harper and a lightbulb went off. Harper was the teacher's pet. Riley was secretly glad she bumped into Harper.

"Your phone? Miss Lainey doesn't turn them into the office. She keeps them in a pencil box in the supplies cabinet." Harper answered, smiling at Riley. Riley almost smiled back, but instead stood up, grabbing her arm and jogging over to Miss Lainey's classroom. Sirens rang through the air, getting gradually louder. The classroom door was unlocked, Riley stood guard at the door, while Harper pulled a phone out of the supply closet ,she recognized it as the one Riley had been using. She quickly shoved it into her pocket and jogged out of the door and towards the auditorium.

"Police! Show yourselves!" A voice called down the hallway, Riley saw a flashlight shine right before the turn and rushed through the auditorium doors after Harper. Harper was standing by the doors to the outside, waiting for Riley. She ran over and they jogged down the street until they were far away from the school. Once they came to a stop, Harper began to laugh. Riley raised an eyebrow at her antics and cracked a grin.

"That was amazing! I have that great feeling again. You sure know a good time, Riley." Harper exclaimed, clapping her hands together excitedly. Riley felt her face get slightly hot, but ignored the feeling. She only had eyes for Leah.

"It's just adrenaline, Harper. It's always a great feeling. I admit tonight was fun, but keep in mind this isn't a daily thing. I think you should head home before the cops start patrolling." Riley suggested, taking her phone of out Harper's pocket. She expected maybe a quick goodbye, but instead Harper wrapped her arms around Riley before walking across the street and inside the front door of her house. From the window, Riley caught a glimpse of Harper jumping around and smiling. Riley rolled her eyes with a smile and set off to her house.

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