Chapter Nine

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Riley hadn't expected her thoughts to get her so down and out, but it had been noticed by quite a few people. She was walking home a different route than usual and found herself being tailed by none other than Luke Potter.

"Riley, what's up? You've been off all week." He pointed out, taking in Riley's dishevelled appearance. In all honesty, Riley had been lost in her mind. It was almost exactly like it was in Florida. She decided that she didn't care that her secret might get out. If it did she would be the one to deserve the consequences the most. She had even texted back the number that week telling them to go ahead and just do it.

"It's nothing important." She muttered, staring at all the cracks in the sidewalk, purposely moving to step on them as if it would solve any of her problems.

"I'd like to think it's pretty important considering you've been avoiding me, Kyle, Harper, and everybody else this week. Hell, Harper asked me if you were okay, you haven't even been showing up to your art class." Luke said, standing in front of his friend and stopping her.

"It's fine, Luke. Get out of my way." Riley muttered angrily keeping her cool. She didn't want him to pry. She wanted him to turn away, she wanted him to go. He wouldn't want to be around her if he knew.

"Don't even, Riley. There is something fucking wrong with you, I've called you three times this week and you declined, Harper's tried texting your number, hell even Kyle asked why you were sitting alone. I wish I knew, but you need to stop being a bitc-." That was all that Luke could get out before his face was met with a sickening crack. Riley had punched him directly in his nose. He had pushed her limits. Luke looked shocked that she had punched him and his hands shot to his bloody nose. He looked at her in a new light. Riley simply shook her head and sprinted down the street. She couldn't right now.

Meanwhile, Harper White sat in her window sipping warm tea. She had been in that window at least five times that week. She hadn't understood what she did wrong, but after she let Riley sleepover, she hadn't talked to her for the rest of the week. It bugged her a lot more than it should have. It was as if Harper couldn't get close enough to Riley. She didn't know what the feeling was, she craved her. It drove her mad. What was it about Riley Knocker that was driving her insane? Everybody noticed Harper had been acting unusual since she had gotten to the school. It had been maybe a month or so, and Harper stopped paying attention in class, her papers weren't all A's anymore, and she was less predictable. Harper took one last sip of her tea and looked at the container beside her. It was tempting her. If Riley could do it, what would be so wrong if Harper did? She grasped it and opened it, smelling it. A smell of grapes whiffed into her nostrils, she scooped it up, pasting the cream onto her scalp and rubbing it in. She looked into the mirror and smiled at her reflection, scooping up another dollop.


"Harper Louise White! What on earth have you done!?" Her mother gasped, picking up a strand of Harper's purple head and looking it over. Her long, what was once a natural red, was now a bright purple. Harper would have cried if her mother yelled at her before, but she was too conflicted about her feelings towards Riley to care. She had texted her plenty of times, but she never responded. Her mother walked out of the house with keys in hand and it occurred to Harper that she had successfully zoned out her mother. She pulled out her phone and clicked on Riley's contact name. Did she dare call her? Before Harper could complete a thought her phone burst out in song and it flew out of her hands, cracking on the floor.

"Ah man." She gasped, hurriedly picking it up and answering it, "Hello?"

"Hey." Riley's voice said through the phone. It sent chills in Harper alongside relief to hear Riley's voice again. She could almost compare it with the smooth feeling of silk.

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