Begin! Part 1

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"You can't fix a blank page."

Wise words of advice from one of my many writing teachers (various writing conference lectures by published authors, editors, and literary agents, small groups led by authors, too many writing books to list).

What does this mean? Mind dump. Write everything down [preferably in a document, not directly on Wattpad. Numerous reasons will be offered as this book progresses]. Do NOT worry about: grammar, punctuation, writing style, head hopping, POV [point of view], elaborate descriptions, etc.

Just write it down. I suggest "sleeping on it" [American idiom for don't do anything about it for a day or so].

When you return to it, do not freak out that it is crap [like I have done over my own works]. Why?

Because it is not really crap.

It can and will be fixed, with some effort.

You can't fix a blank page. You can fix Mind Dump.

That's all for now.

Blessings to y'all! [ The missing second person plural in English that Southerners helpfully supplied, according to my high school English teacher. I don't advise using it in your novel unless set in "the South"]

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