Chapter 21

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Sure is quiet around here with practically everyone else on furlough. What am I going to do when my department goes out next week?

I wish I could spend this entire time down at the arcade, but no... I've got to save my money for these stupid pain meds.

Alright, what's left on the maintenance log that I need to take care of?

Crap. I have to suit up and look at the equipment in the VSP lab.

I guess I had better get to it, and get it over with.

☣ ☣ ☣

That's odd, the door to one of the freezers looks open. I could have sworn it was closed last week. Only Ecks and his team have been using it for the last few months, and they've been out on furlough.

Let's see what he's got in here anyway? Hmm, here's a tray labeled "Reference Samples." I wonder if its that same stuff I overheard Natalie talking about on the vid-phone in Africa.

If he's got something like that, I can take out a lot more people that way, but how am I going to spread this stuff around?

I can figure that out later. Lets see. Where's a cooler I can use...."

Some liquid nitrogen in my lunch cooler, and we're good to go. It'll be at least a couple of weeks before anyone comes back here.

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