Chapter 31 - New Orleans

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Never liked New Orleans. Too many artsy-fartsy weirdos. I should make two runs here, and make sure they're good and covered.

There are a lot of other cities, and I really ought to spread the wealth....

I'll figure out where to go over some lunch. Combo Three looks good. I think I'll supersize it today. I've got a lot of work to do, so I'd better fuel up.

Better not do that too often, though, or I'll end up looking like those lard asses over there.

Here's a nice out-of-the-way table, and someone left a copy of the Times-Picayune for me. Let's see what kinds of fun events you have going on this week....

Well, what do you know? Another jazz festival. The New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Festival. I don't like that noise anyway, so bonus! I think I'll head over to the Fair Grounds, and see what I can see....

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